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It's time to..... d-d-d-d-d-d-d-du! eh? no... wait, what? this is the Waifu Kitchen, duel later, waifus first!

It's time to start the 7th Chapter of The Waifu List! and who better to open this chapter than the lovely, the magical, the scrumptious best waifu of Yu-Gi-Oh! (aside from Exodia of course) the Dark Magician Girl!

This magical lady is yet another perfect example of a BBB (Blonde, Busty, Beauty), if you watched some Yu-Gi-Oh! You already know this little lady is much more than just a card, she shows a whole range of emotions, from her classic happy look when summoned to the battlefield to her annoyed face and even a worried look when her summoner is in trouble, which means she will take care of you if you summon her! 

If you're the type that wants to carry your waifu with you everywhere, the Dark Magician Girl is the perfect one for you, just don't forget to equip her card on your deck! (or 3 of them if you wanna triple the fun!)

Notes: Made some changes to her original outfit to make it more "classy adult", added some sleeves, made her pink skirt/cloth longer and just a bit see-through, also removed the front part of her dress and replaced it with a high-cut panty, made her hair longer as usual and last but not least added LOTS of Extra Thicc spices for that delicious curves!

Hope you liked her, and please remember to leave lots of love for this waifu on likes/comments section, I'll see you in a week with our next lady on the list, Glynda Goodwitch from RWBY.

Have a good one! 



Jonathan Lambert

We need more art of the female monsters from Yugioh. There is nowhere near enough! Especially with two of them interacting, Mystical Elf rarely gets any love!


True, Mystical Elf is such a beauty! I kinda have a soft spot for the Harpies cards (specially Harpy Oracle and the classic Harpy Girl)

Jonathan Lambert

Really, instead of making more series with humans, they should have made a Duel Monsters spin off anime/manga. Lots of merchandising opportunities there.

jo holloway

honestly, the changes mostly work. i could easily see a fronted version of this skirt being used on an official card, and the matching cape is a great accent. the modifications to her chest would not fly with the prudes at konami, but it all works. not only is the thiccer build a surprisingly good fit on her, but this version of her dress is my new favorite version!(of course. you get bonus points for keeping the symbol intact as well) and of course, the extra long hair is just the right level of over the top without being glaring. all that and a cute face, she could "trap" any man in her "spell".