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All right ladies and gentlemen, the results for the next chapter are IN! but... we also got 2 spots in need of a fine lady! 

As usual, I always choose 3 ladies by default, but the thing is... of those 3, you patrons already chose 2 on the poll, and thats great! (I see we got some favorite ladies in common, *insert you prefered meme of "I see you're a man/woman of culture as well"), so, I picked one of those free spots.

But the other spot gets (a tradition by now), a Tiebreaker! let's VOTE!



I wants mah Megumi... O_O

jo holloway

i voted for marie, but sophitia get's my other vote if we could vote twice.

KillingTime Games

I don't understand how people don't vote the lovely Cattleya... probably they don't vote her because don't know her


beatrix is the only right choice here


<a href="http://i.imgur.com/X0UKeLN.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/X0UKeLN.png</a>


Really, I mean Ruby just got drawn last week... Hardly fair... -3-


Mmmm... it's possible, let's leave some Cattleya right here: <a href="https://rei.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/chars/19511-1064399691.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://rei.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/chars/19511-1064399691.jpg</a>


"I once killed a hundred knights single-handedly... to me, you two are nothing more than insects" -Beatrix Hot and badass, all hail lady Beatrix!


i dont know how and i dont know why, but if nothing changes, beatrix will become the last waifu and that will make me so damn happy :D


Wait what? The last time I looked at it Megumi was... *looks at the poll* well, well, well! this is turning out to be a very tight and exciting tiebreaker!