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January rewards are here, I wanted to work on my OCs (for a loooong time now) and I found the first couple of Uncooked pics I worked on, so I polished some details added some more color and voilá! this last month cover is served!

As always, all the rewards can be found in the attached files of this post, well... all the rewards except for one, why? because one of you patrons allowed me to choose whatever I wanted to do as one of the monthly rewards (I love when that happens!) so I'm reserving that for tomorrow.

See you tomorrow, enjoy!

Note: And remember Lv 4 Patrons, please leave here on the comments your next request for your monthly rewards, or send it via private message,  the sooner the better, thanks! 




Hey there! I´m a big fan of Afterglow and one of the things I´m most curious about is the Terra character which I loved how warmly she is as you describe her in the prologue of the story, I would like to know if my next reward can be her because I´d like to see her portrayed in an image , I hope that´s possible and also would like to know if we are going to see more of her in the future! Thanks a lot for your hard work and for the rewards of this month ( My favorite one was the Booette she seems gorgeous and cute) I hope you´re having an excelent monday and I wish you have a great week! :D


That's an interesting request, I look forward to it.<3