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The first commission is finally here!

Behold these gorgeous Nine-Tailed ladies inviting you to have some fun on that bed with black silk sheets, mmmm,  yummy!

This is the first of several commissions, expect another one in a few days (spoiler...if you like RWBY you will like the next commission).

Now! on to the credits of this piece!

Commissioned by:


Who also left a message to share with us:

"PRAISE THE FOX... here you can see 3 good reason for do that"

Thank you AStrangeMadGuy!  

I hope you all enjoy this lovely BBBs and remember to show some good love on the likes/comments sections, cheers!



Jonathan Lambert

SO HOT!!!! I love bust kitsune babes, excellently done!


Ooh! Very nice! Any chance of a nude version?


the left one... raaaar


Chance? There's no chance... of not having a nude version of this delicious BBBs! (I'll post it as soon as I get home)

jo holloway

took me a sec to see that the right one has her hair in a pony tail, the legnth of her hair must be about to her knees! and that calm poised expression, i wanna know what THAT fox say's. the detail work on this is kinda nuts, keeping all those tails AND each vixen's hair seperate must have been quite the challenge.(not to mention coloring them, my gods!) all of a sudden i am no longer worried about if waifu-san would be able to draw a werecheetah i've been holding back on.

Stephen Smith

I really want to see these girls pregnant! Oh yes... Just imagine how beautiful they would be with children in their bellies...


Wow a very niiiiiice piece, BBB and furry for the win. I am with jo holloway when he mentions the difficulty of separating the hair and the tails, dayum!, it just looks so good and I also like to see some more of your skills.


Glad you noticed the amount of work that I put in here! (and yeah those tails...I'll be remembering them for a long time...but it was worth it!)


"Oh yes... Just imagine how beautiful they would be with children in their bellies..." and breasts full with milk! *wink* *wink*