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WiP of the lovely Thompson sisters, you will see them finished soon!. 

On another news. In about two weeks from now, I'll be leaving my part time job for good and soon after I'll post updates on how is the situation about the website (oh yes, our beloved waifus are getting a website just for them!) 



jo holloway

while they were never my favorites in the show(tsubaki is best weapon!) i always liked these two, glad to see them getting some love.

Red Chilito

They look awesome!!! My favorite partners in SE were the Thompson sisters/Death the Kid trio and I love how was their backstory of how they met and how the turned from hating Kid to loving him in their own way. But will we get a Patty Long Hair version? I would love to see that anyway it´s just an idea, don´t need to put extra effort on it if you don´t want to :3 . I hope all goes well with the web site situation , I´m so excited to see a waifuholic website!! Thanx for all the waifu love you have given to us and remember you will always have my support! Good Night !!