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Here you have the unveiled version of the last teaser I posted, (this will be a long post)

First things first, you will not see me posting written stories very often (unless you really like it), this comic, will NOT replace the waifu of the week, in fact it is related to the waifu list, (OCs, characters, etc.), 

-All updates including this post will be first -Patron only- and days later will be public (So patrons can get the content first of course).

-All SneakPeeks and WiPs will only be available to patrons.

-This story is completely NSFW (can and will contain lots of nudes and explicit scenes). 

-Contains OCs and characters from many different series, games etc.

-Contains lots of parodies and references of many differet series, games etc.

-This project is made with the purpose of entertaining and have a good time, not meant to be in any way perfect or to have an explanation for everything, may contain mistakes or even plot holes, this is made to have fun and bring you steamy, spicy and sexy stories that you can enjoy.

If you enjoy listening to music while reading, I have this suggestions for you while reading this, (but of course if you have your own mix that's even better!):

 -Switch. Trailer Music - Where Civilization Once Lay 

 -C21FX - Solace 

 -MythFox - Rebirth 

Now without further ado, I bring you the written introduction for the comic: 


                                          "Cooking a New World"

The world as we know it, is obliterated, the earth is broken, the skies are dark, the oceans are raging and humanity is no more. 

But in the midst of chaos, two souls, a couple, finds their way to survive through this apocalypse of pierced skies, shattered lands and lost lifes, they are the last of their kind...the last humans.

The couple aghast but grateful to be alive and together, learn to survive in this destroyed and silent world.

After re-learning how to live their lives a few months later, they decided to start a journey, a journey to find whoever was as lucky as they were, lucky enough to survive the catastrophe, first walking, then on any vehicle they could find and repair.

The months started to turn into years, but no other human could be found, no one else, just them, they realized that they truly were the last of their kind, but that's not the only thing they became aware of, no, something even worst was happening.

They noticed that some of the few animals left were dying for no reason, plants and trees too, the process was very slow, but year after year it became more and more evident... the life on the planet was extinguishing... slowly but surely, mother earth was dying.  

Almost ten years passed and just the same way as the animals and plants around them they started to grow weaker too, they still looked young but their hairs started to turn grey and their bodies were notoriously thinner, still... there was no one but them and the dying world, until one day...

They found a massive crater, the biggest, deepest hole in the earth that anyone had ever seen, this was no cave, no canyon, no... this was not natural, this, was the wound that was killing the world, the final thrust left by the last human war. 

This colossal abyss as deep as it was, should be the darkest pit of hell... but no, a strange and azureous light was present on the depths of this massive wound.

The couple got closer, just right at the edge of the crater, then, they heard a voice, a warm, soothing female voice, the voice was whispering, whispering so low that it was almost inaudible, but they managed to understand one word... and that single word was enough to move them inside the abyss. 

- Help...

Days and nights went by, their food was running low, their energies were almost spent and their weak bodies were now at their limit, but they kept moving, they kept moving forward to their goal, the voice was clearer now.

- Help me...

Finally, they reached the source of the light, amazed, they laid their eyes on a giant floating circular platform made of what seemed to be beautiful quartz crystal and in the middle of it, an ethereal construct, a perfect cerulean dome of the size of a stadium covered the center of this crystal field, they approached it and to their surprise, they were able to go through the luminous round wall, inside, the voice could be heard clear as the crystal they were surrounded by, nothing they have felt before in their lives could describe the warm, the calm, the peace they were feeling in that moment, soon they understood why.

- I'm Terra... my children... please...help me...

The couple walked until they reached the center of the dome, standing in front of a crystal not much bigger than a human heart, they realized the radiance they were looking at was the core, the very essence of the planet itself, the heart of Terra.

- I'm wounded...I'm dying...

They were horrified at hearing this, but not surprised, as they already knew the planet was dying, they had seen the signs of the slow death, but hearing it directly from the voice of Terra was like if the blood in their veins was suddently frozen solid, they quickly and desperately asked what could they do to help her, then, almost immediately a blinding light engulfed them and a harmonius sound with the likeness of the finest crystal bell could be heard echoing everywere in the dome and beyond reaching to the skies miles above, in seconds the echo ended and silence remained, the light ceased to blind them and shocked the couple contemplated the Heart of Terra, perfectly split in half, slowly, one of the two fragments reached the couple and stood floating in the space between them.   

- Take my heart and let it fill you with life, let it fill you with... love

Both looked at each other in the eyes and as the fragment was suspended just above them, the words of Terra sparked their instincts, thoughts of desire and love filled their minds, they removed each others clothes, kissed deeply and then as they started to make love, their energies started to overflow, their fatigue faded, their bodies started to recover, their hairs slowly regained the colors they previously had, their strength came back to them increased tenfold and when they climaxed, the Heart of Terra had completely fused with them. Terra was pleased at the acceptance of her gift and instructed them, with one last mission.

- You have my life force within you, it will protect you from all danger, it will keep you young and strong for years to come and when you reach the end of your days your essence and mine will forge the soul of our hope...our last hope. Go now to the lost places, collect the secrets of the ancients and create a body, the vessel for the last hope, for he will bring life again. 

With renewed life, the couple made their way out of the abyss, to fulfill their mission.

The years passed and hard work never ceased, but they were happy, year after year, place after place untouched by humanity for hundreds of years, book after book, ingredient after ingredient. The years turned to decades but they noticed their time was running out, the world was falling to pieces around them and finally counting 99 years after they started their mission, they managed to get a hold of everything they needed. On the last year of their lives they finished the vessel, they wrote journals and compendiums, they left video tapes and sound recordings, so the last hope could learn and understand who he was and why he was created, finally in this last year, the year 100, they knew they had to pass Terra's heart to the vessel.

They fixed a final dinner for themselves... a romantic dinner.

- Vin! the dinner is ready, stop sharpening that knife, it is sharp enough.

Approaching the table with the weapon in hand, Vincent leaves the giant knife on the already prepared hard case on the steel rack near them, along with a stone sharpener and their last journal.

- I know, I know honey, it's just...he will need this weapon, he has many battles ahead of him and he must succeed...

She smiles at him while taking his hand.

- Dear, he will, we made everything the best we could, now we must have hope, but tell me, did you finish the preparations of the other vessel too?

- I did, the only one better looking than her is you, I made her appearence exactly like if Terra had a daughter!, that's fitting... the last daughter of Terra...

- Vin, always flattering me... they will make a great team, just like us! I'm sure of it!

- You're right Vel, they will.

- And have you thought on a way to call our last hope? 

- Yes, he will be cooking the biggest recipe in history, an entire world, so, he will be called "The Cook"

- I like it, he will be cooking a new world... sounds great to me!  

Enjoying their final dinner, they walk together to the place they prepared to pass on their essence and Terra's... 

They hold each other tightly for a few minutes, they let go and took a moment to contemplate each other, then, for the last time on their lives they undressed each other and united their bodies once more, all their desire, all their experience, all of their lives through each other, and all of their love... 

Velia looks her husband deep into his eyes while he is inside of her and as the last of her essence starts to fly in radiant small spheres of floating light around them, whispers her last words to him.

- Vincent, if I had to repeat the end of the world 100 years ago just to be here with you, I'll do it all over again...I love you.

Looking back at her, Vincent, already passing the last of his essence too and fading into brightness, smiles and utters his final words.

- Velia, through more than 100 years, after the apocalypse even if we had no one else but us, I never felt alone, not one single day, I never felt the absence of the rest of the world, because...all my world...was you...

As they fulfill their desired goal, their bodies fade merging into the Heart of Terra and infused the last hope of mankind with the essence of life.

Inside the carefully created crystal chamber, a faint heartbeat can be heard, the heart inside the body of the Cook starts to pump the blood on his veins, his nerves spark to life with the essence of Terra, Vincent and Velia, finally he opens his eyes for the first time. He moves his arms and legs trying to break out of his crystal container, finally he is able to break through the crystal and falls to the ground... his legs had never been used before. After a few minutes and several tries, he manages to stand and looks around, just moments after his first steps, an ethereal beautiful woman appears right in front of him, her long hair floats slowly and gracefully all around her extremely curvy, exquisite body, she introduces herself as Terra and proceeds to close the distance between them until only a couple of inches remained between their bodies and with a soft, pleasant voice, she whispers.

- The gift of life has been given to you, you're filled with my essence and the will of the last humans that walked this earth, now I'll fill you with knowledge and strength for the quest ahead.

Grabbing him by the back of his head, Terra pulls him softly to her luscious big breasts and directs his mouth to her right nipple.

- Drink...

He drinks, then, images, sounds and fragments of memories start to flow endlessly into the young man's mind at a inconceivable speed, in just moments he falls unconscious.

Just a few minutes later, he starts to wake up and while trying to open his eyes once again, the first thing he feels, is a rocking motion over his body. Smiling at him a blushing Terra doesn't stop moving on top of him.

- Feel me, feel my love and let yourself go.

Moving her hips back and forth each time with more speed and intesity, the ground beneath them starts to shake and glow brightly, when finally Terra reaches the point of ecstasy and her moans echo resonating all over the now blindingly radiant chamber, in that moment he didn't knew anything but joy, she fades taking the white flowing essence of the man with her, grateful and smiling at him. 

- Remember how you feel in this moment, for that feeling is the afterglow, that beautiful feeling will forge the world anew... I'll remain dormant to keep my strength until you need me, my hope...

With new knowledge inside of him, he proceeded to read, listen and watch anything that his creators left for him. Months passed but the books were too many, the recodings went on for hours upon hours. His routine was simple, exersice, cook, eat, read, learn, sleep and repeat.

Almost a year passed.

By now, he knew who he was, why he was created and what his objective was, he knew that he had to use the "Gate" his creators left prepared for him to travel to other worlds that at some point were in danger of being destroyed, but were saved by their people, he had to go and convince those "heroes", "saviours" to help his cause, in any way they could, male or female didn't matter, just useful people always willing to do something for the greater good, he had marked his targets and made his arrangements. 

There was only one thing he never even touched since he woke up, the black hard case with a note sticked to it "DO NOT OPEN before day 365" he saw the marks on the wall he made every day since Terra came to him.

- 364...

For the last 21 hours that remained of the day, he experimented the most instense feeling of curiosity he ever felt, he didn't follow his usual routine, he just stood still thinking, "what could be there?". The last hour passed and the Cook opened carefully the case, inside he found only 3 items, a sharpening stone shaped as a hexagonal prism, a journal and his weapon, a massive knife.

Reading through each page as fast as his eyes would go, he reached the end of it, with the last written words "Use the sharpening stone as a key where you took your first breath" lost in thought for a few seconds he whispered to himself.

- A companion...for me...

Running to the old crystal chamber, he uses the hexagonal stone as instructed and gains access to another chamber beneath, here, he finds a crystal construct very similar to the one he came from, inside lied a young woman of long black hairs and pale skin, and on a metal plate at one side of the construct, reads a name, "Noira"

- Noira...

The instructions on the journal said, that if he was willing to sacrifice power for company, he could wake her up, all he had to do is share a fragment of the Heart of Terra.

And so he did.

Their quest begins now, the best is yet to come...





Wow... Just beautiful... And deep man.... can´t wait to read how this continues.

jo holloway

you have my attention, i want to see where this is going! after reading this i wanna be in a table top rpg campaign that you run!