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Here is my little helper Viera, spicing things up like she always does!

Now that our 3rd chapter is done, we have to decide those who are going to be the lucky ladies that will fill the 11 spots of chapter 4!

Based on the previous poll about if the next list was going to be a mix as always or a thematic one, you guys seem to like the idea of a thematic list very much (thank you to all the patrons who voted) so, I have reached my decision about it. 

I will do both (no pun intended), for this, I will open a new branch of the waifu list, so, we will have the waifu list as always, I will refer to this as the "Main Chapter" and we will have the thematic list, I will refer to this as a "Subchapter", here you have a quick example:

Main chapter : Chapter 4

Subchapter(s): Chapter 4.2 - Chapter 4.3

The MAIN difference between the main chapter (non-thematic) and subchapters (thematic), will be that, the main chapters will have a waifu each week as always, `presenting her in a full body single image for each one of them, and subchapters will present ALL of the waifus from that subchapter in one shared image (like a mini thematic harem!) the subchapters will be presented to you along with each main chapter, or maybe even each month (depending on how many girls are present in that thematic subchapter), I hope you like this new addition to The Waifu List, cheers!


jo holloway

while i for one never want to turn down more waifu's, just make sure you don't over work yourself.