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Alright folks,

I worked really hard, and really tried to get an update ready during Thanksgiving break. However, I just ran out of time. I really, really, am close to finishing though. I need literally 1 more section before I'm satisfied with release. I know that I haven't had an update in 2 months now (zzz) but we're almost there.

I currently have 515 renders at the moment (likely will be bumped to 550-600 by the time I'm done). On average, I output 200-300 renders per update, so if you think about it, this update will be like 2 updates in one, in terms of amount of renders/animations that is. There are also 3 animations so far, and I plan on adding possibly 3 more. Overall, this update looks really good in my opinion, definitely one of the better ones. 

I have finals coming up next week, though, I'm hoping to have this update ready within 7 days. We'll see though. I meant to post something sooner but I got a bit depressed since I wasn't able to finish this in November.

Hoping everything comes as planned, and thank you all as always for your continued support.





Fantastic work JYP! I pray for the best in your finals🙏

Brody Fusco