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Hey, Citizens...

I just want to straight up apologize for the lack of content for this month. I do feel that I've let you guys down, especially to the people who have supported me for so long.

I've already told a handful of people about what's been going on, but the main reason why I'm currently having less time to work on SL is because I decided to take classes again. Midterms had me stressed out and I was struggling with one of my classes. The good news is that they're over (I did "decent"), and I can breathe a little, but things will be picking up again soon for the final exam. That's been my main focus lately, just trying not to fail.

So yeah, I do totally understand if this demoralizes you and your decision to continue supporting me. I actually hadn't worked on SL in about a week, unfortunately. Though, I do feel that this is temporary. Once I get back on my feet with my classes, I should be able to pivot back to SL. Obviously, I still need the income from SL to live and pay my rent so I won't give up on the project. However, I do want to try and think more ahead with my life.

That being said, this version of SL is about 70-80% complete. It's going to be a long lore scene, but I do want to sprinkle in some boobage during the store. It will discuss the past of Magilou and Rita and their strained relationship. To be honest, I'm not totally certain when I'll have this update ready, but I think I need at least another 2 weeks. :((((

But yeah, I thank you for your patience. There are a lot of you who don't play SL that much anymore but are still rooting and supporting me and just want me to do well. I never really met or knew a lot of people like that growing up, so I'm truly grateful.

Thank you all again for your continued support




Love your work. Take your time, and good luck!

Briggs Bro Co

your doing fine just focus on school till your able to handle both and if it gets to be to much than step away from school lol j/k step away from the game

Da Babushka

Take it from a grumpy old bastard, you do you. No one is going to do it for you and you'll thank yourself later. YOU seeing the value in yourself is WAY more important then the value others see in you.


Appreciate it friend. Thank you all for the kind words. I'm going to get better. I know I will

Kuro' Shi

no worrys as someone in college i get you your doing better than i ever could balancing college and this game you go you got this