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Evening folks,

It's been a minute. Just figured I'd let everyone know what's been going on. Basically, I'm taking more time to focus more on real life. There's been a lot of changes and I can't fully devote 80+ hours/week to SL like I usually do. I know it not be what you want to hear, but that's what's going on. I need to take a step forward in my life, and not back. 

That being said, 0.3.14 is progressing decently. It's currently day 10(?) since I released 0.3.13 and one section + script is done. Off the top of my head, there are 4, maybe 5 sections planned before I we're done, so you can say that I'm about 25% complete. Odds are, this update won't be ready until mid/late of next month. 

Again, I totally apologize, but I really need to focus on my priorities. I made a lot (and I mean A LOT) of sacrifices to work on my passion that is SL. It's time to try and get my life back together.

And don't lose faith, folks. I'm still fully committed to the project. I still consider it my full-time job, and I won't abandon the project for anything. I love working on games and I want to do this for a living. The last few years for me have been tough, but I've never felt more happier than getting to work on SL. It really is like my baby. 

Much love, and thank you for your support. 



We might take an extra week or two longer than usual for this update.




Loved the game from day 1! Thanks for all your hard work. All the best with the real world as well.

Briggs Bro Co

RL first game second hard yes but sometimes needs to be done take care of yourself we`ll be here and atleast ill keep supporting