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Hey everyone,

I've been addicted to working on Trainer lately. I planned on messing with it for only a few days and seeing how I felt about working on SL later. A lot of (backend) work done and I'm currently in the process of messing around with main story script. SL will take a month break.

It should go without saying that I apologize for working on another project. I know that this isn't what you signed up for but I've been complaining about a lack of motivation to work on SL lately. I think a break might do me some good, though, that's what I thought when I went through with my surgery. I'm having a lot of fun working on Trainer at the moment. It kind of reminds me when I first started SL and was so productive. I think my work rate for the last week have been extremely good. 

Anyway, I do plan on working on SL again for next month and the month after that. Please let me know what you think about working on Trainer. I know that it was supposed to be a fun side project (and it is) but maybe it would be nice to have something to look forward for as SL progresses and inevitably ends.

Appreciate the support as usual.




Got some good lads here, I tell you... Sorry folks. I really do mean it. But I think it would really affect the production and overall quality of SL if I'm forced to work on something I'm not motivated to work on at the moment.

Derek Williams

This news is a relief! We all know you've been burning out recently and you've needed a break for a while. And you're right--a game with only frustration behind it won't have the same quality as one that's fun to work on. Take as long a break as you need--anything you give us will have quality!