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Folks, let's get it out of the way...

I will be undergoing surgery this week and will likely be away from my computer for 5-6 days. This means that, odds are, 0.3.12 will be delayed by a week or so, depending on how swiftly I recover.

Update 0.3.12 has been going fairly well. I know that most people want something lewd for this update, but I think we're just going to go with the main story route. I've said this multiple times already but the passion for the game has dipped a bit since the start of the year. I think feeling anxious about the surgery may be also contributing to it. Main reason, obviously, is that the game doesn't feel like it's growing. I think maybe someday, I want to take a month off of SL and work on Scarlet Trainer and see what happens to my passion. Maybe a break will give me some time to think of new ideas.

Speaking of which, as I'll be away from my PC, I'll be whipping out the notebook and jotting notes on interesting ideas for scenes as I remain optimistic! 0.3.12 we will conclude Rita's duel (but not necessarily her arc). We'll see a bunch of our friends come to cheer us on! And I think we'll have maybe one lewd scene that I'll try my best to do as a "dream sequence" to keep it maybe interesting.

As always, thanks for keeping the dream alive with your support~!





Yep that true

Sven Tyrson

Take care of yourself. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not going anywhere.


Appreciate the kind words people... I'll likely be back on the 27 most likely. I'll also probably be on Discord on phone :)


I really hope they can get this infection cleared up and get you feeling better. Hope all goes well!


Thank you friend... I'll pull through

Briggs Bro Co

dont worry about the game worry about yourself get well recover and than worry about the game I wish you luck and a speedy recovery

Derek Williams

Always put your health over entertaining us. Your health and happiness matter more than this game. We'll still be here when you've recovered. And I probably don't need to say this, but don't rush your recovery! Surgery is always a big deal.


Don't rush your recovery Wish you luck yay Scarlettttt trainer