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Evening folks,

Hope you're having a great weekend so far. I've been working hard (albeit stressed out) with the current update. I told myself that if I worked on something "fun" like an Estelle scene, it would put me in a better mental state to work. Sadly, that's not the case. I've been having days where I just lay down on the bed for hours, doing absolutely nothing but sleep.

I feel the quality of the creative process has dipped a bit this month. It's been difficult to think of good ideas and convince myself that everything is okay. This update will be slightly different than usual where we will be having one very long Estelle scene. I kind of feel like we are all sick of just grinding for affection so this scene that I'm working on will just be one affection rotation into a long scene (that feels slightly an entire mini-arc) as opposed to multiple small scenes where you have to grind affection for each. I think I might try to do more long scenes in the future. We'll see.

As of right now, I'm planning on doing just one very long Estelle scene. The scene itself might not be everyone's cup of tea as it involves voyeur and won't have penetration (but there will be lots of boobage). I apologize if you were expecting more but I'm just not in the right mental state. I know I complain about it every month (and you'll probably hear me complain about it next month) but I'm just not feeling right at the moment. After this 0.3.11, I might conclude Rita's duel or work on another side scene. I know she's a character that people have interest in.

Thanks again for your continued support. I've been doing this for over 2 years now and I really am feeling the burnout. Does anyone remember the days when I used to do 2 updates per month? Those were the good days when I had so much fun working on project. I hope I can rekindle that love again someday.


Scarlet Law - Bonus Renders ($20+ Patrons)



Derek Williams

Sounds like you need a break. Nothing ruins fun like feeling like you have to do it. A new project apart from this might help, too. We really enjoy what you give us, but in the end you should do what makes you happy.


hey, dev I don't know what you've been through lately, but all I need you to know is I really enjoy the "Storyline" of your game it's like the best I've seen so far, you know which part I considered to become your patron? Yuuna Celestine ofc. this part is so impressive enough to make me want to know the next storyline it makes me wonder what would happen next? What's the main reason that Princess accepts the choice that "not a lot of people dare to make" Bro your choice of words is insane, facial expression, antagonist, etc. like I was watching some good quality dramatic anime. You might not know this but you are so good at writing stories, whatever happens just keep your mental health as your first priority, hit the gym, and spend some time irl sure you will be better soon (I'm not a native eng speaker)

Derek Williams

The story really is getting deep. I'm wondering what motivation the princess has for how she's dealing with Beauty.