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Good morning Citizens,

Progress has been going extremely well for Trainer 0.3. I know that it's not what a lot of people wanted to hear, but I felt that this game could use an update now. I had a lot of ideas bouncing in my head with Trainer and just was in the mood to work on this over SL. I thought about having a sex scene in the game but felt that it was a bit too early so we won't have penetration yet, but maybe in a future update. I do prefer to have some build up before we have sex. A lot of people seem really interested in the roommate and I figure maybe we need some content with her.

Anyway, I just figured I'd keep people updated as to what's going on. I still have about 2 months of free time before I return to classes, and I'm hoping to have 2 updates (1 for ST and 1 for SL) by the time that starts. To be honest, I'm still on the fence on what I want to do for SL (be it start a new arc or do some side stuff) and felt that working on Trainer would help give me some time to think. Also, my dad actually died about 2 weeks ago and I feel some anxiety with it. I feel like I'm falling back into a dark place but, you know, just gotta keep pushing. I'm just reminding myself that there are millions of other people in a shittier situation than I am and I need to make the most of it.

Thank you as always for your help,






The roommate in your game are the most lovely one