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I'll start off with the apology. I've tried to make it to the deadline I set and while story wise is pretty much ready, there was so much more I wanted to add and test before I made a release. Also I've been in a pretty rough place for the past few weeks which has made it difficult to find motivation and time to get dev work done. I'll continue to work on the dev work when I can and hopefully look to have a release out next month should things in my life improve. In the mean time though, I will put a pause on my patreon so all of you will not be charged for the following month. I'll look to continue the monthly character as well. I plan to resume my patreon charges once the new build is out.

With that mentioned, on to game news progress. As mentioned the majority of the story is complete as well as the dragon isles. Currently working on the final encounter of the isles then will need to work on some playtesting to reduce the amount of bugs people will run into. Also I have a few side quests I really wanted to finish up as well. Anyways, thanks for supporting me and I'll look to hopefully have the build out next month.


Kai OP

i would wait a year if that means you can work healthy and without stress :)


Sorry you're having a rough time. Hope things improve.


Thank you, I think most of my problems should be resolved in a month or two should things go well.