Seeds of Destiny .400 Build, Early Version (Patreon)
This will be an early build of the .400 build release, which means there will be bugs!
If you are wanting to play a more stable build then I'd recommend waiting a week, otherwise if you want to help find bugs and/or want to break the game then this build might be for you. My testing has been limited so hopefully there won't be any hard stops in the story. Also regarding the patch notes, I will put out a revised patch notes at a later time. Some things have not been updated or I held back as I wanted to work on it more while other things have been added and not mentioned in the notes.
A couple of things to note:
-Combat is far from finished and stat wise might feel off with the early build. I'll look though to balance enemy damage.
-Lakeview guild quests are temporarily unavailable do to needing some touch ups, I'll try and get this available for the public launch in a week.
-Val and Sanu's Trials are temporarily unavailable, same as above.
-Debug person added that will take you to were chapter 3 ended if you want to jump into new content.
-Brasswall currently only has the main story line and various npcs. I will add in side quest npcs hopefully before the public build is ready.
-Crystals are in the game, let me know if any feel under/overpowered.
-Item/recipe debug vendor will be added with the public build.
-Sanura and Damia's faces will get updated with the public build, sorry for any strange facial expressions for the time being.