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Thank you everyone for participating in the voting to help me decide which couple to do first! Yes! First! There will be many more after this one so don't feel sad if your favorite characters didn't make the cut this time 🤗

While voting was public, the updates on this project will now remain behind the official membership, just 1 dollar will give you access to this so if you haven't decided if you want to or not, now would be your chance to think about and finally take the plunge! 

If you can't (or simply don't want to) it's completely fine! 

There will be public (although censored) updates on all my socials for those that will be interested in in pre-ordering a copy of the final design once the master is printed and ready to be have it's official pre-order announcement. 

Patrons will have priority over the general public when pre-ordering and will also have their suggestions/input into consideration while we're on the development stage.

Patrons who decide to stay for the entirety of the this process (concept, digital sculpt and printing the master) will have their names printed on the kit box as a thank you for supporting our passion project and also to have bragging rights! 😉

We will start working on the concept, and it will take a few weeks to come up with a sketch to base the model from.

I want to make something erotic yet beautiful and tasteful, something for the female gaze, something that will "inspire" anybody that sees this pair.

This will be a fully NSFW kit, that means boobies and shlongs, but! Everything will be proportioned, and well sculpted, so no huge ass tities or ding dongs as seen on other NSFW unlicensed statues.

Right now I want to take my time in decide which pose and scene to place them in, I will make a new thread for Patrons so they can send in their suggestion reference to take into consideration.

This will take time to produce, Amalthea took a year to make from beginning to sample of the actual casted kit but it was because I had been busy with other projects and set them to sides many times, but this one will now be one of my top priorities, so hopefully we can get this done in a much shorter time!

For now, let's all get excited for this never before done figure set! 

Gosh, I just love it when I get to pioneer something I'm truly passionate about 😎



Ooooh this is so exciting. I'm looking forward to seeing the process from start to finish 💜now to practice my painting so I can hopefully get one and make it look even a 3rd as good as I hope 😅


Yay! I look forward to the new adventure!