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Hello my lovely patrons!

After all this ordeal, I'm finally glad the nightmare is over.

So I just wanted to come in and let all my monkeys know that I decided to extend the discord access to those of you in the $3 dollar tier (Resin monkey recruit) and invite you to join our growing little community! 😀

Please be sure to drop by, have a look, stroll around, I'm not 100% familiar with Discord, so if something needs changing or updating, please let me know.

For now, let's go over there and have some fun! 🙌



I just upped my pledge but can someone tell me how to get to her Discord?


You have to connect your Patreon and Discord: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-connect-Discord-to-Patreon-Patron-