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Hello my lovely patrons!

I just wanted to pass by and say that happy holidays and Merry Christmas for those who celebrate it!

I hope this year has brought you good things, and if not, let's ask the universe to be more kind to us next year 😉

May you have a wonderful time with friends and family, or if you're alone, please stay warm, eat something yummy or just relax and wait until the spirit of the Grinch leaves 😂

I'm really sorry I haven't been very active this month, I had surgery at the beginning of the month, my second one, so I've been in recovery and not really doing much... cuz I can't 😅 but I'm feeling really good, no complications, just general discomfort due to the stitches still being there and I can't move my arms that much (2 down one more to go!).

I'm gonna give you guys a raincheck for our monthly discord meetup due to obvious reasons 😅 so we'll do 2 days next month!.

I also wanted to ask if you guys still want to do the monthly Q and A videos because I didn't see any interest in my last invitation so maybe we could do something else? I'm very much open to suggestions so I can bring you content exclusively for you 😊

Seasons Greetings! 🎄🌟⛄

PS. I do have a video on the Airbrush guide coming up Monday but I haven't shared it yet for the early access because I'm waiting for the sponsor to give me the green light on their segment before it goes live 😉



merry christmas <33

Alyson Metallium

Hope you continue to heal quickly! I'm fine with whatever you decide to do, though I do have a question about scale and custom accessories. :)