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Hello my lovely patrons!

I'm back!!! Phew! That was a long hiatus for me πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚ 

I'm very happy to report that I've been recovering excellently, even my surgeon and the nurses were surprised! I've been actually able to walk since day 1 and been pretty much pain-free all this time, some discomfort yes, but not actual pain, I hit the jackpot because this is an extremely good surgeon with excellent technique that basically leaves his patients pain free which was news to me. I honestly though that I was going to be wallowing in pain and miserable, part of the thing that would make me doubt in having it in the first place. I had been watching "Skin tight" from TLC (and bawling with each episode due to how much I identified with the female patients in the show) and I honestly was preparing myself mentally for the worst, but I've surprised myself with how well my recovery has been going.

I've been given the green light to return to some activities, including work, so I'm happy to finally be back! πŸ˜€

I wanted to let you you guys know that I do remember we have a pending Discord meetup so I will be doing a 2 day chat to make up for last month, so I want to invite you guys to join me if you'd like this Saturday and Sunday to just chat and have a fun time, I won't be able to do it very late though, I do crash in the evening with my energy levels so I'll be on discord from 5 PM to 6:30- 7:00 PM Pacific time on both days 😊

So come on over and have a good good time, just don't make me laugh too hard cuz it does hurt a little πŸ˜‚ 

I also want to invite you guys to leave your questions for the Q and A August video so I can make that pending video and include the questions from last month as well. 

Ask me anything, I don't mind at all, either hobby related, personal (as long as it's not too much TMI) or even the meaning of life πŸ˜‚ I'm an open book for the most part.

And if you'd like me to share my experience with my surgery, I'd be more than happy to share it in a separate video to just talk about that, so just let me know πŸ˜‰ 



I would like to know which artist(s) you like, either in the figure painting community, traditional painters, or others. Is there anyone who inspires you or you learned a lot from? 😊


Have you been watching/reading anything new anime/manga wise during recovery? Any recommendations?