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Hello everyone!

The pre-order for the pre-painted version registration has come to a closed!

While the form was open for a week, most of you did sign up on the first 2 days, and to my surprise, there were exactly 10 of you that registered so all of you are now guaranteed your pre-order spot!

I was originally going to film the selection, but being that there were exactly 10 entries, it was not necessary to wait that long to announce the lucky peeps that won, so what I did was just placed all of you in the random number generator and basically shuffle names to see who was placed for batch 2 and who was left for batch 3, because I though it was only fair to not place everyone on a first come first served basis.

So the winners for batch 2 are as follows:
(Estimated Delivery March-April 2024)

Kayliana   Nestriondies
Arwyn   Cunningham
I. Muze

Winners for batch 3:
(Estimated Delivery Nov-Dec 2024)

Heather   Gearhart
Evelyn   Koll

Congradz to all of you and thank you for signing up! I know you guys are very excited to get your pre-painted copy and this is how we're going to work with the orders 😁

I will send out an email tomorrow to all of you to provide the form so you may send all your info, and all you get to decide how you want your tunic (white or transparent) to be left on your own copy!
Please remember that this pre-order also requires the 50% down payment, just like the unpainted version.

As I receive your info, I will send out your invoices so you may send your deposit 😀

If you have any questions, please feel free to DM me, anything at all.

Again, thank you so much for all the support for this project, I've really been blown away by the attention it received and I'm super excited to paint the prototype for Youtube and bring them to life!

I also want to note that all the copies painted will be just like the one I will show on youtube, I will try and give them the effect that the original movie gave the unicorn for her hair in particular, think those sparkly effects I give to the bottom part of my senshi princess dresses! Boyfriend will of course be providing input to better capture the essence of the magic in the movie💕✨  I'm so excited to show you guys!!!



How lovely that it managed to work out so perfectly for those interested in a painted figurine on here! Thank you for being willing to do these for us, I was going to have to have my husband paint an unpainted one for me since I have no skills in this area, haha! <3


So excited that worked out perfectly! I was starting to research painters just in case.