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Hello my lovely patrons!

I just wanted to let you know that I'm back from my little trip, everything is good (for now) we don't think we've caught anything, so I guess we're good to go 😆

Just a reminder that we will have our monthly discord meetup this Saturday at 7PM Pacific time! I'm getting ready to film the QandA video soon too so I will have that a couple of days before the month ends, I'm trying to get back on track with work, so that means getting back to working on princess Venus and continuing to prep Amalthea and the unicorn master to finally send it over to have it casted, ugh! so much to do! So little time >.<

This is why going on a mini vacation is never good for someone that is self employed, you end up with a large backlog to come back to 😵 

Nonetheless, let's do this!!!!  💪



Let's get down to business! To defeat: the schedule!


as someone who brought her sanding work with her while on vacation, i applaud you for being able to put stuff down. here's hoping you feel refreshed and ready to get shit done 💪