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Welcome to a brand new year everyone! 😆

Here's to a hopeful year where I can beat my own personal challenge for this year and finish all the kits in the lineup!

I just wanted to let you all know that the QandA video will be up over the weekend for you guys! 2 weeks ago, I got my booster shot (Thanks America for letting Mexican tourists stop by and get the jab, no questions asked!) and it didn't really do anything to me for the first week... then BAM! got all the nasty side effects of the booster so I was down with a mild flu and mini fevers all week last week, but I'm back and 100% revitalized!  😁

So I'm back working on that Super Sailor Mars kit for January's video, but also doing re-installing the weekend livestreams and the QandA video for you lovely people! I'll be answering all the questions that were left let's talk about the monthly meetups, for those of you in the VIP Monkey Hall tier, what's the best days and hour to catch you guys? I've been having fun talking one on one with some of you but I feel bad that the rest can't make it or the hour is not good for you, so please let me know in the comments or via private message so I can see what we can come up with so more of yous can get more of mees 😁



4PM is great for me time-wise but Saturday would be the best time to talk since I stream Monday-Friday and do family stuff on Sunday. I just couldn't make last time cuz it was my Mom's Birthday!


Weekends work for me I just need to see what time it will be in Europe 🐱. So sorry I missed the last ones!