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Hello my wonderful patrons!

First of all, I'm very sorry for being MIA, as many of you know I had my Japan Re-do trip last month and spent almost 3 weeks there!

There were several reasons for the trip, one was to visit close friends, the second was go to to WF and the third was to re-do all the things I didn't 9 years ago and then some!

I had an amazing time, made so many memories and even though I didn't get the storm Osaka Castle because there was an actual storm that prevented me from going out for most of my last week there, I think I saw and experienced so many things that I never imagined doing, I walked and walked every day that it felt like I was given wings because I never got tired.

I filmed some moments while there with my phone so I'm making a vlog video, hopefully my galaxy phone took good quality vids to edit 😂

Coming back killed me with the jetlag, I was out for a good 2 weeks trying to readjust to this schedule, so many things got delayed in work because of that, jesus why is it that when you travel west, you can adjust quickly but as soon as you come back, you're fucking dead 😂 I was perfectly adjusted after 2 days in Japan but here? 🥹

Once I was here I needed to continue shipping all the Amaltheas from batch 2, so that's another chunk of time that I'm setting aside to cross the border every week to ship out all the orders, not to mention working on the pre-painted Orders.

I'm currently finishing Wanzi's Eternal Sailor Moon today, just need to paint her eyes and she's done! Once her pics are taken I need to immediately start editing all the video(s) because I need to put out a sponsored vid from Elegoo once that's done, I'm printing and painting a Frieren model for the occasion and once she's done printing, I start to print out Juicy Juicy pair of Lunar lovers!!!

Yes! ShadowCraftArts sent me all the files just before I left, there were a couple of corrections needed to some connections but the updated files sat in my inbox for while I was on my trip, since Elegoo sent me their Jupiter SE, the build plate is larger and I'll be able to use that to print out the massive bed for our spicy couple coupling 😂

I'll have a nice update for Usagi and Mamoru in a couple of weeks give or take so we can finally see how they look like in physical form!

I hope to have the videos done this week and I'll post them all for you guys to see first, Wanzi did a number on me with outdoing himself with this kit, he forced me to outdo myself with him and I don't know if I'll ever be able to outdo myself with figure in the future 🥹

For now, I want to share some pictures from my trip with you guys!

There was one thing I planned that I was very excited to do, and that was having a professional photoshoot! It was the highlight of my trip and I'm honestly still trying to accept that the person in those photos is me😱 

While at Wonder Fest I met Raul Treviño!!! The artist that did the Catrina kit from a couple of years back!!! It was amazing meeting him! He actually spotted me lol!! It took me by complete surprise!

I dragged my boyfriend into this too! 😂

It's sooo hard to pick which ones I'll have printed and framed!

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the photo dump 😜



So mad I'm only reading this now buy oml you look so gorgeous in your kimomo!!! 😍Your bfs quite the looker too 👀


Those photos are so lovely especially the ones in the Kimono <3