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Fellow pervs,

With this Update of the Hungry Girls game, the most important thing is that the X-Mas Annual Event was added, just in time.

It begins at the 24th and lasts 5 days.

But more about that, later...


As you already know, for the past month I've been working on the Girl On Girl mini game.

I needed a couple more days to add Bubbles, but I had this emergency update today for the X-Mas Event.

But, there are some new things added.


First of all, you can Upgrade your girls for the Girl On Girl mini game.

You can do that by clicking on the Girl On Girl button on the girls' cards, and a new card appears, with the Girl On Girl stats.

Currently, it only works for Nina and Cherry, the Common (1*) girls.

You can either play the game straight from there, without having to visit Jessika Cookie's Gym at the Mall, or you can upgrade the girls, to have them on a higher Level.

In order to upgrade them, you need Coins, more and more as their levels rise, but you need also to sacrifice some of the girl's Weight Gain Capacity.

You can't spend all of the girl's Capacity here, though. 

She keeps the minimum required Weight Gain Capacity, so she can properly appear at the Restaurant game.

For these Common (1*) girls, it's +50 of their Weight Gain Capacity that they always keep.


But these girls here are not the strongest that will appear on the Girl On Girl mini game. 

So, if you don't have too many extra Coins and Weight Gain Capacity, please don't rush to spend it all in these girls. 

Wait till some better ones appear.

Ok, Cherry is the fastest girl that will ever appear, so you could make her a bit higher level, like, say, 10 to 15...

There are 30 levels in total, but I doubt that anyone of you will ever have a 30 level girl...

It requires way too many resources to get them that strong.


The negative effects work properly now.

All of Nina's attacks, and Cherry's big attack, cause Reduced Damage for 1 or 2 turns.

That means that when your player is under Reduced Damage effect, she applies half of the damage she was supposed to.

Cherry is immune to Reduce Damage.

There is also a small chance for your hits to be Critical, applying 1.5 of the damage.

Nina's Reduced Critical Damage effect negates that chance for one turn.


Bubbles is almost ready to be added to the game, and then it's Louise's and Karina's turn.

Stay tuned!


You can download the Hungry Girls game and its updates, for pc and Android, at www.paploman.com 




I've been playing this game for 3 or 4 years now. You under-estimate my power. I will have a Level 30 girl for Girl On Girl


update i am at 22 with cherry it does not go up any higher. I think I broke it