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Fellow pervs,

Today's update of the Hungry Girls game is very special to me.

You get to take a first glimpse on my new mini game, called Girl On Girl.

Here, you can select a girl, or a team of girls, from your collection, to fight the opposite team.

So far, I only made Cherry, one of the Common (1*) girls, so this time it's just Cherry Vs Cherry, just to see if the game plays ok, or if there ane any bugs and errors.

If things are fine (and they look fine so far), I'm adding more girls in the next days.


You can see your champion on the left side, and the enemy on your right.

There is a speed trait for each champion. The fastest one starts first.

If two champions have the same speed, you, the player, start first.


You can see some buttons as you are expected to attack.

Each button does a different thing to your opponent.

To see what each button does, press on it extensively without releasing it, and a pop up appears explaining what the current button does.

There is also a swap option, but since you only have one girl on your team, it's useless at the moment.


The current Cherry vs Cherry battle is a very short one, just to test the game's mechanics. 

But, believe me, things will get more interesting when you'll have to fight more girls, since each one has her own set of skills and weakesses.

For example, fatter girls are considered armored, and your hits have a lesser effect on them. 

Others shoot milk on you, making you dizzy and losing your turn.

Others can weaken you with their attacks, making your next attack cause less damage.

Others inflate instantly, just like having a shield, being almost undestructible for a round or two, unless your champion can cancel her inflation (destroy her shielding).

And so on...


Next one I'm adding is Nina, the blonde Common (1*) girl with the glasses. 

Then my favorite girl, Bubbles, armored and milky, but slower.


As you may notice, there is no background on this game yet.

That's where I need your help.

I haven't figured out a "story" behind this yet, like where do these Girl On Girl fights take place.

You will be able to level up your champions as soon as the Gym opens at the Mall.

But as for where the battles are taking place, I'd love to hear your ideas!

I was so busy with the game's mechanics, that I haven't come up with anything good yet.


You can download the Hungry Girls game and its updates for pc and Android at www.paploman.com 




I want to see a fight where one of the girls walks in Karina's Boutique as she is checking the guys package. And have the girl walking in say "That's my package!!!!" lol

Richard Handy

Maybe the girls all volunteer to some fun mad science to give them "powers" for defending the town and the fellow they all love to sex it up with. So they bring in new girls and train them in how to use these special new powers. Sort of like a secret club but with horny science behind it. The setting could have fun lab gear or techno gadgets or whatever for monitoring the girls as they change.


It looks pretty promising so far, and the animations are nice. Looking forward to the finished feature! On a side note, I'm still unable to increase Corona Chan's max weight through mini games. Jessica Kookie seems to be affected too.


Could be a wrestling show maybe?

Bigger is better

I like this idea a lot "Horny science" has a nice sound they get to have data and the girls get to have fun with their body


This is a great idea. It could be like a secret goverment agency kinda like a sexy Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D. Where the girls have been recruited to receive special enhancements to stop whatever evil villain that has secretly taken over the town with a mind controlling face cream. And the only way to save them from the mind control is after you beat them in battle you have to make the other girl cum. I know this is all very cliche but that's all I can think of right now

Richard Handy

It might seem cliche but it's still fun for a reason. I just like the idea of the girls working to help and protect each other with sexy results. ^_^

Bigger is better

So I'm going to report a bug even though all my girls in the milk farm had 20 size boobs it keep saying I have to wait for them to grow anyone else had this problem

Jeremy Ambrose

Maybe a wrestling area for a background