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Precious’ second part of her story will be added in the game in just a few short days.
Here’s a preview of how big the girls will be.
Their growth progress will be a bit slow, since the story will have 9 parts in total (maybe more).
In order to play that second part, you’ll need to have Ash at 320 Weight Gain Capacity, and Precious at 270.
So, if your girls are still lower than that, take them for a few experiments at the Hospital (that’s the fastest way to increase their Capacity in my opinion).
Besides their milk filled boobs, their bodies started bubbling up, probably because of all that delicious breast milk they’ve been gulping down lately...



Sir Kata



uhm I've looked around the game and I can't figure out what upgrading the girls does besides making it really hard to make them cum haha


ah that makes sense sorry for asking I'm sure your busy with so many other parts of the game


No, no, you're right! For all the trouble higher tier causes, it needs to give something better back... I'll come up with something good soon!

gareth meadows

Any update on this release


It's uploading right now. In a few minutes it will be online! What, are you spying on me? 🤣