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Fellow pervs,
Going back to making stories for the Hungry Girls game feels real good!
After all the Fairies Vs Satyrs fuss, I needed to work on something easier...
Jessica’s 4th and final part is added with today’s Update.
Here, she gets really big, you’ll need to have her at 540 Weight Gain Capacity to play her story, and high Sex Stats to be able to make love to her.
I know, I know, 540 WG Capacity is too much, but you can take her to the Hospital for some Weight Gain/Pregnancy Experiments to boost her up faster.
For those of you that don’t have Jessica in your collection yet, she will be available next month in an Annual Event, as the lesser prize.
Just be a little patient, and you’ll have her in your hands soon...
As the game’s files grew too large, I cut off the Lucky Wheel and turned it into a different file of its own.
Took me some days to connect everything back together and make sure it plays properly.
Pure technical stuff, you probably won’t ever notice any changes there, but if you experience any errors please let me know.
My laptop has a hard time lately handling big files, so I’ll be doing such modifications a lot.
Now that Jessica’s story is out of my hands, it’s Nicole’s turn.
Her story is a feedee/weight gain themed one.
The first part will be added in the next update, before the end of the month.
No fattening in the first part, just introducing the character and her relationship towards the player.
But I’m sure you’re going to enjoy it nevertheless.
You can download the Hungry Girls game and its Updates for PC and Android at www.paploman.com




Great work with the new update! I am excited for your work and can't wait for the new Nicole story!!

Bigger is better

Oh yeah it's a good thing I have pretty much everyone over 1,500 I'm ready for anything you throw at me!

Pizza Overlord

Really great news!! Only thing that bothers me about the wheel is you can't press it twice anymore to stop the spinning, which was a great time saver, now you need to watch the wheel stop on it's own.

Pizza Overlord

Same here, except the chick with the inflated lips, don't really care for that one.

Bigger is better

Wait really!? God damn it really was a time saver it was the best thing to add for the wheel I hope it can be added back soon


Also after start and first roll it stopps exactly at the starting position no matter what. So the all spinning thing is useless and annoying. Good work with Jess btw.


Nice work on Jessica but i was hoping for some feeding action after the shrinking like last time

Bigger is better

I know you told us what is going to happen with the twins but I really hope it happens sooner rather than later good job on this update just really miss Skipping the wheel and I wanted to ask Jessica size is it a taste at what bigger girls can look like when they go up to 40?


Hey! I recently upgraded from the $5 to $10 and I entered the cheat code for the upgrade in the time cooldown. When I enter the code it tells me to redownload the game and when I do even after the uninstall and everything included the cooldown is still staying at the 10 minutes. If there is something I am doing wrong or a way to fix this I would appreciate it because the faster cooldown time would really be nice to utilize as well as the other benefits, I look forward to your help. Thank you :)


Hello! I love your game. I do have to say I have a slight issue, though. I'm not sure if it came up after this update or not but when I'm at the restaurant and try to play the events, the manager pops up and says the message he gives when you make a girl go overweight. It happens each time I fully close the game and sometimes even if I haven't closed it. Although, it only happens on the events but it's annoying since I have to start my event progress over each time this happens. 😭