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Fellow pervs,
I hope you’re all fine! Thankfully, most of us here are introvert types, and the quarantine doesn’t bother us that much...
Personally, I found the spare time I needed to finish a challenging project on the hungry Girls game, the VERSUS MODE!
In Versus Mode, you pick a team of your three best girls and you pitch them agains three enemies. Each team’s goal is to grow the opposite girls bigger and fatter than their weight limit.
Each team plays in turns. When it’s your turn, you can either feed something to your enemy to fatten her up, feed something to your girl to slim her down, or switch player by clicking on the players icons on the bottom left side of the screen.
If you win the challenge, it starts over with a different set of opponents and a bit more difficult than before. So make sure to use the girls with the biggest weight gain capacity on your team!
I know I was supposed to make the Story Mode first, but I believe that while you’re staying inside you need a new challenge to spend your free time. This one proved more hard to make than I expected, but I’m sure that the outcome will satisfy you!
And, of course, I couldn’t resist adding my version of the Corona Chan girl in the game (google her). She’s the first true villain character of the game, so she’s the final boss in the first Versus Challenge (After you beat the challenge for the first time, the enemy girls appear randomly for the rest of it).
Corona Chan is also available as a playable character for the $10 Patrons.
More good news! Have you ever thought about how fat girls will be when the quarantine will be over? I have two female friends who work at a gym, and now that they’re staying at home they have already a small pot belly. Imagine the rest... I’m sure the world will be a much (bigger and) better place when we’re finally allowed to go outside!

You can download the Hungry Girls game and its updates at www.paploman.com
