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Fellow pervs,

With  the latest update, Sex is added in the She Means Business game!

It proved to be more difficult to make than I expected and it took me longer than what I promised in my last month’s post.

I deeply apologize, but I hope the outcome will reward your patience.

I also tested the game a lot and I found a bunch of errors which I fixed, along with the ones you found and informed me about.

Also, there was an issue with Celestia and Athena’s story and it couldn’t progress, it’s all fixed now, too!

For the next update I’m adding more sizes both in the Restaurant Game and the Sex scene, and a way to be able to buy Sex Potions from Ezzy’s magic store.



I missed the correct date for the Annual Easter Event due to being super busy with the SMB game’s sex scene, but don’t worry, the Easter Event is online now, after downloading the Hungry Girls game’s new update.

Also, there is the MayDay Event at the end of the month, and here’s where I messed up.

At the game’s initial page, in the part that I promote the upcoming Annual Events, I wrote the wrong date for the MayDay event.

Unfortunately I saw it right after publishing the update and couldn’t do anything about it.

The correct date for the MayDay Event is April 30 – May 4th.


I also noticed that lately you couldn’t get automatically informed about the new updates from inside the games.

I believe that’s fixed now, and next time an update will be online, you will be informed when you open the games, just like you used to.


Thank you for your patience and your support these past few months, the latest additions proved very hard to make.


You can download the Hungry Girls game and the She Means Business game and their updates, for pc and android, at www.paploman.com




How many time does it take between 2 sex events?


Can you please make them bigger when their butt and belly get fatter and fatter. The status bar stops at 20. Is there a way they can extend past 20 on the scale?