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Warner's Funeral

Uploaded by willam belli on 2017-01-25.


Ryan Oliveira

just cried hard core omg warner was a beautiful addition to this world!


Thank you for sharing this, Warner looked like such a big bear. Dogs are members of family and give us the best memories. Him not realising his size on your instagram photos or bowling his way into the beat downs made me smile. x


Oh Willam....I just want to hug you and hold you and tell you it's gonna be alright even though we both know it won't be. It kills me to see you cry, although I understand we have to have pain to appreciate the joy in life. Warner's life was not in vain, he had FANS!! YOUR DOG HAS FANS!! And we love you and support you in everything you do.


Girl. Just... girl. Made me choke up a little. <3


Dude...our fur kids leave us much much too soon...My Dottie is 11 now, she's an 8 LB shih tzu and my perfect daughter I'll never have. I'm so sorry for your loss, and had some birthday cash...thought I'd drop some coin your way to maybe help a lil. <3 much love man...peace


I had to wait awhile to watch this video for purely selfish reasons. I have four "senior" pets, one has a heart murmur that is getting progressively worse, one has gone deaf in the past year, one has a tumor on the outside of his stomach that we have to have ultrasounded every 3 months or so. We didn't plan this shit well at all, two 10 year old dogs, a 15 year old cat and a 13 year old cat. For the sake of time I won't elaborate, but I've been through some grueling shit the past few years and managed to power through it. My pets health starting to fail this past 6 months/year has been the hardest part. I just hope that I am able, when the time comes, to do the right thing like you did and make sure none of them suffer just because I'm not ready to let go. It's a really cruel fucking thing that our pets don't live longer or as long as we do. When I die, hopefully many many years from now since I have a one year old daughter, I plan to be cremated and want a little pinch of each one of my pets ashes scattered with mine so we can be together forever. Ah balls, now I'm ugly crying. Bless you and your husband and I hope the memories of Warner give you peace.


My husband is looking at me funny because I'm sitting here bawling. Thank you for sharing with us. You have the cutest butt! Seriously, I adore you. Love from my pups Cooper and Katy.


Yes. I waited until today to join and watch. Glad I'm here now. Willam binge in full force.


I've been a fan of yours for a long time, but haven't been able to bring myself to watch this video until now. I lost my saint in December. The pain is absolutely indescribable. For 12 years I had a 200 pound Beast with me wherever I went, and his absence is absolutely gut-wrenching. My house is so quiet now, and I feel like there's a huge hole. I don't know you personally, but I know what you're going through, and I hope that I can spend time. They are the most lovable creatures, and I always enjoyed comparing our two boys. They were so handsome! You'll feel better when you feel better. It just takes time. Lots of love.


honestly. i know all pet's deaths are horrible. But having a saint, a dog that is bigger than most people, humanizes things. I always felt like Warner was as smart as like a teenager at least and sometimes smarter than me. It was like having a child who couldn't talk. i could tell when he didn't feel good and what he wanted by how he led me with his leash. He was so bright and brought joy to everyone he met. i hope our dogs are playing together on top of a giant air conditioning vent in heaven.


my first video wathcing as a patron.Love you mum


I know soon I'm also going to have to make the call to our vet about my dog. He's a German shepeard. I've had him since I was 5 years old. I'm 20 now. He's my best friend and I'm absolutely terrified of the day I have to say goodbye to monty. But it's people like you who have been through something as tragic as losing a pet that give me hope that I'll be okay and that I'll see him again and once again be able to run with him (he can't really walk anymore) Some people don't understand how important and life saving a pet can be, especially dog, giving us nothing big but unconditional love. Still sending all my love to you and your husband. I'm sure that monty and warner will be playing up there together soon. Sending all of my love to you. The beautiful dog lovers of the world have to stick together when these terrible things happen 💞


I'm an Atheist and for the first time in a very long time, I do hope there is something that comes after death so that you can see Warner again. I know the heartbreak of losing a pet and would give anything on this earth to be able to put my face in their fur again. I love and admire you so much, Willam.