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Hi Guys.

So I'm sure you may have seen my Kickstarter went up. I'm not trying to double dip but I am going to concentrate more on the Patreon side of things for S4. I want to provide greater access to me for the people that support me the most (you guys). I'm open to suggestions. The day early stuff, exclusive videos, etc. Help a heaux out and lemme know. I have a special surprise for you guys in December too involving a past show I did that many of you never were able to see. 

Here's my kickstarter link too 


Hugely grateful to you all.


p.s. There's another outtakes episode coming before the kickstarter is over too.


BEATDOWN S3 | Outtakes Part 1 with WILLAM

Uploaded by willam belli on 2016-11-28.



We <3 you, and can't wait for season 4!


Thanks Willam for posting this, I love you and can't wait for more videos. You know me, my demand for great entertainment is high and you satisfy it.


Thanks ladies and bye Felicia