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Should i actually post this publicly or will i just turn myself into a bigger joke? It’s the first time I’ve ever felt discriminated/dickscriminated against and in a mostly gay establishment. I’ve seen trans legends there like King Amiyah Scott and Stacy Layne and i went and they had no probs letting me into the back room ever as a guy. I didn’t even have tits in and i had shorts on. You guys. I guess this actually WAS discrimination huh ? Wow. Wtf.





Reminds me of what happened to Violet- she wasn’t in drag but was too “fem” for the gay club and they wouldn’t let her in (France maybe?). Disclaimer: I’m a straight girl so what do I know, but i don’t get it- it’s unfair and it’s garbage.


Wow! I’m Portland we have Stag PDX and the MC is a Drag Queen. They have never denied me a private dance, that is really fucked up.


Who tf denies dick to a wigged man with badass glitter freckles? You look cute as hell with it


Yeah I mean it was said the main reason she was escorted out was bc she kept trying to record videos of the backroom were some dickery was happening, even after being told repeatedly not to. Super unfair for Willam this time tho


Lawyer here (but not your lawyer). Although this really sucks, *legally* they are most likely within their rights to deny you this specific service. The Federal Civil Rights Act of 1984 prohibits discrimination by privately owned places of public accommodation on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin. The ADA guarantees the right of public accommodation to physically and mentally disabled persons. Sex and age are also protected groups under federal law. To the best of my knowledge, Georgia does not currently classify sex, gender, or sexual orientation as a “protected group,” meaning that public institutions like bars or restaurants can deny you serve without it being legally actionable. There are of course exceptions, but legally speaking, this falls into a “That fucking sucks but is probably technically legal” situation. That aside, I personally wouldn’t publish this publicly. I’d try and resolve it privately first.


That's so fucking shitty. (Especially considering that you gave them a shout out in your book).


I knew you were gonna go there that night! Should have bothered the mens I was with more to take me! Oh well, your show was Amazing!!


that's not what people who were at the club told me about violet. they said she was filming in a dark room which is pretty much against common sense and was told to stop and then she started again. I've seen the entitlement first hand. still friends with her but just saying.


they won't clock me as a guy when i go back next time. no one does. it'll be fine. thanks for the explanation Ali. I love lawyers :)


You're welcome! 😊 Feel free to PM me if you have any other questions.


Fuck Swinging Richards, I would of brought you some if I knew you'd be in ATL


Willam, you gangsta bitch FUCK THE HATE AND THE STUPID PPL IT CREATES ! So keep on stepping , you know what to do bitch , HUSTLE like the pro you are ..........


I'd take it as a compliment as to how fish you are. 🐠 But yeah it would have sucked less if they let you go through the back door. 😉 I miss your suck less show 😔


This reeks of male privilege. You got a taste of misogyny and not getting your way because you were perceived to be one gender when you identify as another. Swinging Richards has very strict policies because they are a gay male strip club and wish to maintain that environment. While they don’t strictly prohibit females from entering (though they do have many rules regarding female patron’s behavior, especially around bachelorette parties, etc.), and they take that shit seriously. This is an example of a gay establishment who has set boundaries to keep the atmosphere in line with their original concept. I hate going to drag shows now because I fight for a seat (I’m disabled and cannot stand) and then endure snide remarks and rude behavior from the drunk bachelorette parties who have taken over. I don’t feel safe. I don’t feel I can go up in there looking how I want to look without getting “read” by these drunk college girls who saw RPDR and have a gay friend and think they know everything about the gay word. Drag is for everyone, but the sacred spaces we once clung to to find ourselves and feel safe are not there anymore. They’ve morphed and changed with the times. And that’s fine. We all mourn for the past, but we have to live in the present. But when Swinging Richards tries to hold onto some semblance of that safe space/sacred space... it’s perceived as discrimination. Not every space has to be for everyone. There have to be some all-black, or all-trans, or all-Asian spaces. And that’s okay. But Swinging Richard’s policy tries to find a middle ground. They say “female presenting people can enjoy ALL of our entertainment in the main area, but the back rooms are reserved for male presenting individuals only.” Sure, I recognize there’s some transphobia and non-binary bullshit here too because it’s about presentation, not identity. (I, myself, identify as genderqueer, but I usually present masculine.) But it’s the same with Tumblr and many other places both online and in public. It’s perception. And perception is 9/10 of the law. (Wait, that’s possession.😝) So their rule is no one female presenting in the back. Had you pulled off your wig, taken a makeup wipe to your face, pulled out your tits and thrown on a T-shirt, you would have been invited back. But you didn’t. And instead, because you were presenting female, you were therefore treated as such. But at the end of the day, you CAN make a choice to change your appearance. You can say “but I’m a dude.” And to me, that is what makes this about male privilege. I’ve heard you call yourself tranz, but in this video you say “I’m a man.” You try to use your male identity to get something that is being denied to you. The definition of male privilege. I know you are an ally to the trans and non-binary community. I’m not questioning that. Hell, I became a Patreon today because I thought I recognized the trans dude on your Oral video and wanted to support you for putting a trans dude in your video about dicks. But let’s call a spade a spade. Let the shit storm of hate pour down on me now, I guess.


I find you to be such a miserable cunt! Maybe the reason that people "discriminate" against you isn't because of any kind of disability... But because you're such a kill-joy who sucks all of the fun out of the room. Ever think of that? If you go around looking like you've sucked on a lemon... Maybe people are gonna treat you like the sour-puss U are. 😚😖 ................ BTW- You ain't no Patreon supporter, liar. So go and haunt someone else.