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So many things in this but can we just talk about the hat?



BEATDOWN S5 | Episode 6 w/ WILLAM


Katie Cuthbert

FLAWLESS. What shoe did you put with this look?


keep repping philly with that wawa t-shirt and Farhead


dammit! What did Anthony whisper??


Best Marco Marco plug ever lol.


You are serving the BEST looks you have ever served on this season. You are always completion, but this look and the one last week are just BEYOND. Lots of love and respect for my president!


Ma’am imma need you to wear that hat more often. Whoever has been doing your colors lately is amazing!

Ryan Oliveira

will we get our names on these?

Ryan Oliveira

just curious when will our names get to be on a beatdown


i forget but i have an up down of every look for a compilation at end of season.


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TVlZ4HBmyU&amp;feature=share" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TVlZ4HBmyU&amp;feature=share</a>


Hey Willam Id love to see what a Beatdown would be like if u did it out of drag . Do u think u would ever do that one day ? I think ppl would find it kinda cool seen as on YouTube we mostly see u in drag . I’ve noticed most guys seem to instantly transform once they have their makeup on ...even u Courtney and Alaska sound different when u talk to each other in videos right before ur makeup goes on ( like in the PMB vids even really straight guys too ! lol) compared to when ur in full make up - I know I definitely feel like I’ve got my shit together when I’ve got my face on 😂!! Xxx


probably not. i feel like i'm always the same it's just you don't see me much outta drag without a camera on me.

Kristy-Lee Hayward

"No, don't pray and don't beg.. put your arms down ma'am 😂😂😂😂


I wish this video was still available! This is probably my favorite beatdown ever. favorite beatdown outfit too!