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updated the name list too with all the backers for $10 and up ;)



BEATDOWN S4 | Episode 19 with WILLAM



That dress is stun! Hope you've had an amazing tour! Heels of hell cannot come soon enough


I love your love for Courtney, its so cute 🖤


Girl I hope Alyssa got paid a lot for putting up with that shit show


This was just what I needed! A little beatdown, a few glasses of wine, and I'm a new man!


yeaaaassss !! its beatdown time bitches! sorry yall but I seen my name and couldn't help but fangirl a little bit (ok like a lot lol) but honestly, I also just wanted to say that I have been a huge fan for so long and am finally in a place where I am able to offer support like I have always wanted to on here. you are fanfuckintastic in every way and I am beyond happy to be able to support the work of such an amazing artist and person.


Hey Willam! I bought 3 of your ringtones "Nurse!" "Don't do this here no more!" and the dick one idfk the name, but I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO DOWNLOAD THEM ONTO MY PHONE. My itunes is fucked up or something! Have any tips? I would really appreciate it! Thanks! -Jake


Right, I haven't watched the video yet, but fucking hell, that dress is absolutely lush. Brb, back with a relevant comment post-watch.


Bitch, Willam, aint that twink at the Genius Bar who always recommends the iPhone plus for better selfies. Google that shit. ✌️


To this day, my favourite drag queen fall vid is that one of Trixie just going arse over tit with that little arm flail. Someone made a loop of it, and you get a little desensitised after five or six loops but by loop ten it just comes right back and slaps you in the face with a swift hysteria backhand. This fucking beat down made my week. Thanks, Willam. 🙌🤣


OK, I get it. You hate me. What is it now? Three months? And you still can't get my goddamned name up there. How hard can it be? Love you, but really....


Omg I want to hear the rest of the story from the start of the video! Someone asked you to take a boomerang?


I'm not in charge of it but i am screenshotting this and sending it to the two people i have running this now.


Sure. You have my email address from when I sent you the wig. I'm sure you have lots on your plate but you know -- as I know every day -- that the buck stops with you. That's just part of being a business(wo)man.