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We filmed this in April but couldn't release it till the AAA album was out. Enjoy!



PMB with Lipstick Nik and WILAM



i love this! she's so talented. willam, are you going to be in this year's christmas queens?


I might have missed you saying it, but what was this look for?


Lipstick Nik is amazing!!


She's so talented and you're so pretty


How long did that whole look take?


I have a shirt with my dead dog on it to! It helps me when I miss him. You looked gorgeous with this look. Those nails were everything!


omg! That eye is life and the little butterfly rocks! I love her :)


Remember the hysterical Ab Fab episode when Eddy and Pats are in their 80s? What a hoot if the AAA girls would do something similar! Let's see what Willam looks like as an 80 year old!


By the way, was looking at the book over the weekend and realized what a tremendous lot of work and thought went into it. Not just the pics alone, which must have taken forever, but the text as well which is irreverent and personal and witty and useful. Anyway, I want another copy. I saw you had a stack in your studio. Can I get one directly from you? Can it be inscribed? Something like: "To Chuck, My best and only friend in the world, with my undying love and devotion, Willam." Like that. Simple. Let me know where to send $$$$.