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Heya gang,

Sorry  update is so late and month has had a lack of content. Just a lot of small problems have been creeping up that have made it hard to sit at my desk and actually work. And on top of that I've been having sleeping issues -_- But let's set all that bring stuff aside and get into the content for this week:

Mythra NNN

I didn't get as much work as I wanted to on this done. Mainly ended up laying out a lot of the rest of the animation, but it's still too rough to really show. But I did work more on the transition that I've been working on. Mainly animating her head and her expression. Will be doing the rest of the secondary animations and cleaning the other parts of the animation and will try to finally get this thing out the door sometime soon.

Palace of the Goddess

Kind of in the same state as Mythra's NNN. Working on the rest of the game's animations so I can wrap it up, but a lot of it is still too rough to show. But I cleaned the 3rd cut in animation a bit more. Other than that, I'm going to try and wrap up more animations for this and try to wrap the game up. 

Also worked more on commissions this week. I have a bit animated one that's taking a lot longer than expected, but I think it will be worth it in the end. I was also commed to edit that old DMG card anim I did, so that will have an anal version and a color alt soon as well.

Also finished a doodle page of Gardevoir and Machamp based on one of Machamp's moves in pokemon Unite

Also did a bunch of Pyra work. Frankly, since I was unable to work on stuff a few days, I lost a bit of confidence in my art and felt like my art knowledge especially was lacking. So I ended up making some Pyra pics to try and try out some new styles, coloring techniques, and change my approach to line art a bit. So I hope you can enjoy these for now.  I still need to work on commissions and other projects, so these will be shelved for  a bit, but I will most likely use these for image sets and things like that.

Anyways that it for now. Sorry once again things have been so slow recently, honestly this month has been kicking my ass. But I have a lot I want to get done this month, so I'm going to try and rally back and get things done. I will do my best to make some cool stuff for you all.

Thank you again for your support and I hope you have a great week! 



Thanks for making these works, so well done and were definitely worth the wait! Those different art styles for Pyra are fantastic, progress on your projects are stellar, and the comms continue to be home runs (especially the Yu-Gi-Oh ones, always a fan of those)! I'm just sorry things have been rough for you lately, I pray conditions improve. As always I wish you the best, and thank you for your time and efforts. They are appreciated greatly!


Thank you for the kind words and well wishes 🙏 and I'm glad you're liking things so far! Hopefully I can wrap up a few things over the next trouble of days and get some good content out to yall 👍