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Heya gang,

Sorry this is getting to y'all a bit later than I wanted. But let's go over the month of August and how I'll be moving forward.

So this month was mostly dedicated to work on the Palu game after laying out my plans early in the month.  So I want to first go over what I did this month and then later go into a few ideas I have regarding content. 

For the art:

- I did most of the pics for the palace of the Goddess offering portion of the game

- The idle animation for Palu

- The art for the palace on the main menu

- the title screen

- the hand wave transition for the scene transitions

- and worked more on the climax scene. I added the wings and animated their main motion, and cleaned up the body to make the animation smoother. 

Coding wise:

- I laid out the main base of the game and it's structure

- Started theory crafting how I can handle the configuration menu better.  For the Hilda game, I had to really scrap together a solution that controlled the menu via both mouse an buttons, and it came out to be at least a hundred lines of code as I had to write logic for each button individually. I've been trying to think of a more elegant solution to it and also look at tutorials so I can see how others are handling it.)

So for Palu, I'm still working to get the demo all together. It will contain the full vaginal scene, the first half of the Goddess offering mini game, have the heart gaining system in, have the SFX in (Voice acting may or may not be in depending on the VA's availability) and have the configuration fully functional. Admittedly, I wanted the demo done this month, but I ended up feature creeping the climax animation by adding the wings. Overall though, I think  they were a great addition and really make the climax unique. I'm hoping to have the climax  done soon  and I'm going to try and wrap up the demo sometime this month. I'll get that out to $5 patrons and then move onto the anal and duo scenes for the game and the bonus scene from the goddess offering mini-game.

Other than the Palu work, I also did two small pictures of Callie and Marie from Splatoon and another pic of Artificer from Risk of Rain 2 getting mating pressed. I was thinking of maybe doing a small follow up pic of the Splatoon one since it had a Splatfest theme to it (Tit's vs Ass) and Ass won considerably over on Twitter haha but I want to prioritize Palu work first. I might also animate the Artificer pic later once I've finished some of my other projects.

That's it for the monthly recap. So now I want to go over the plans I have for content moving forward and some things that I can improve on.

So for the last few days I've been thinking of the biggest bottle necks when it comes to my projects. For animations especially, I think the climax scene is usually where things tend to start to drag. I always try to make them a bit more complex opposed to just a white flash, or a hold of a specific frame with the cum spurting out. I feel like these make them much  more impactful and memorable, but they do take more time and are easier to mess up. So I might try to find a better middle ground with things.

That's actually been the main thing on my mind for a while. Seeing how I can "cut corners" on animation in order to content out faster without sacrificing quality.  After the Pyra No Nut November series, I wanted to make a small animation that I could use as a test run to get voices and SFX in a video animation, and then use that experience to get voices and SFX added to Pyra's NNN. I figured it would be the best option since Pyra's NNN was so long. But I would want the animation to be more complex since I feel like people expected to see those (especially after Pyra's NNN) or to make the "most of the idea". So every time the animation would get feature creeped and become too long, prompting me to try again with another idea that was smaller. But as you can imagine, that just led to a lot of wip projects and nothing truly getting finished.  So I apologize to the people that were waiting so long to see it voiced, but I'm going to make sure I put work into getting that finished.  I've finally got a good video editor and have been messing around with it to make sure I can use it properly.  I've also been setting up all 4 parts of it to flow into each other while also adding in what day each part  takes place in.  I've also been fixing a lot of the small problems each animation had ( seems I missed quite a few from being sleep deprived at the time lol). I'll also be adding a title screen to it too. I'm going to try and work on it every now and then, but I'm also going to try and make sure I do work for my main project (currently Palutena) before I work on it each day.  

But overall, I want to get more animations out, so I'm going to invest more time in improving my workflow and taking things start to finish and maintaining the scope for each project. 

Alongside how I can make animations faster, I've also been thinking of other content I can provide to you all that I could do in between bigger projects. Originally I wanted the bigger projects to be games, and then have some animations come out in between them. But I think I underestimated the amount of work both of them would take. So I've been seeing what else I can do in while I'm working on the big project I set every month. It would have to be something quick and relatively simple, but still quality enough to be worth it. So I figured I could start doing image sets. These would be 1 to 3 or 4 images with slight variations and a simple story and light dialogue. I've been getting faster at making pixel art pin-ups, so I figured I could at the very least do one of these a month and ensure that I can get something complete to you all each month while the bigger projects are in progress. I'm going to try and make a small set this month as a bit of a test run  and get that out to you all. If it goes smoothly I'll try to incorporate that into my work flow. 

I've also been concerned about the content $5 and $10 patrons are getting. With how long it's taking me to make games and animations, I worried you all aren't getting enough value for your pledge. So first and foremost, I'm going to work harder to keep my workflow consistent and get try to get content out to y'all every month. But other than that, I also though the image sets could be another thing upper patrons get access to. So basically, I'm thinking the image set will have a basic and a premium version. The basic version will have the first half of the set ( which will still feel like it's own contained thing and not end on a a cliff hanger or something), and then the premium version will include the whole thing with a few more variations and more images and story. This will be available to $5 patrons for a week or two and then will be released to the public. $2 patrons will see sneak peeks of the set, and $10 patrons will also have their names displayed at the end of the set. We'll see how it goes with the test run this month and change it if needed. 

I also want to do more with the games I make besides them basically being animation viewers. So once I get clear out the queue of projects I have lined up, I'm going to experiment with some light action titles and go back and work on some old ideas too. 

So that's the wrap up for the month and the current plans for things going forward. I hope to get quite a bit of things done before the end of the year so I'll work hard and keep you all posted on how things are going with both weekly and monthly updates. Thank you so much for your support as always, and I hope you have a great day! 





The image sets are good ideas, was expecting them to come eventually. Appreciate the thought you put into your animations though, as you mentioned you could cut corners on the cum scenes but choose to give out expressive animations instead. As for your backlog of queued content I feel to get most of them out is by making them into gifs like Shantae's, of course the bigger projects in queue don't really apply to that. Your enthusiasm towards the gaming aspect for your projects is something I'm excited about.