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Heya gang,

Have a few things I wanted to wrap up for the weekly update, but need a bit more time to get things finished. So I wanted to give y'all a small update now, go over with how I'm gonna handle things in the future, and then come back with the goods on Wednesday. So let's get into what I've been working on:

So Shantae is almost done, just need to polish the main animation of the body a tad, then do the secondary animation like the hair, and then polish up any loose pixels. I should have it done tomorrow, or the day after. Once I finish it, I'll make the animation poll for April's anim. Feel free to throw some ideas in the comments if you want. Can't guarantee they'll make the cut, but it couldn't hurt haha

I've also been working on Renapet's animations, specifically animating the sex canvas pose for Rena and then polishing the anal scene's sex loop. Once I get that done, I'll be able to do the other speeds much easier since I have the base prepared. I wanted to work on getting RenaCatch in there as well, but I put most of my energy this week towards finishing Shantae. But I want to start implementing more actual gameplay in there, so it'll be next up on the list once I get the anal animation done for the next demo update.

I also wanted to announce that I'm going to make more of an effort to tune things up around here. I'll be honest, February and March were pretty rough months for me, and it led to me not getting what I want done in real life and on here. But I want April to be my turn around month, so I'm gonna do my best to get more pixel art out to y'all and handle this Patreon better.

I'm also going to be changing how I do the weekly updates a bit. The public posts will have text mostly of what I've done, with maybe an image here or there. Then I will make separate posts showing the wip stuff for Patrons. This is both so I don't draw too much ire from Patreon for having lewd public posts, but also so my patrons can get more exclusive content. 

I'm also going to try to work on games more overall. I don't want to bite off more than I can chew again, but I'll try to code up prototypes here and there, and try to pair it with some pixel art so I have somethings for my $5 patrons to try. I'm not sure when this plan will come to fruition, but like the paragraph above, I want to make sure my patrons are getting the value that they donated for. 

Adding on to that, $5 patrons will be seeing animations about a week or two before the public release of it. This won't apply to every animation, depending on the situation, but for most of them that's how it'll go. 

Since I'm going to try and get more pixel art done, I'm also going to try and put a dent into my backlog, since I have so many things laying around unfinished. Especially since I know some of y'all having been waiting for some of the stuff that's been wip for a while now. 

I'm also going to do a better job posting on twitter, newgrounds and my other social sites. I slacked quite a bit on it last month, but I'll make sure to remedy that for the future. I'll be posting posts about the weekly updates there, anim polls, and probably some of the 20-30 minute warm up posts I do every now and then. I want to engage with my audience more, and I think this will be a good start. 

 That's about it. I ended up writing a lot more than I expected, but I hope this helped lay out my plans for the future for my work. All of your support has been wonderful and has helped me much more than you could know, so I want to give back to y'all as much as I can. Thank you for your support, I'll do my best to make some cool stuff!! See you all later this week!



Everything sounds good man. This is a reassuring post. You mentioned requests: Anime Request: Perona from One Piece Video Game Request: Tifa from Final Fantasy

Natural Aura

Sounds great Moxi! I'm certainly looking forward to what you have in store next! ~ ^^ Keep up the great work, oh and just letting you know, despite what you might think, your actually doing a pretty good job with keeping us updated. Most other development projects I follow don't tend to send out updates nearly as frequently. Owo


Exciting news, can't wait to see future game projects. April poll suggestion: Hilda from Pokémon