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Heya gang,

Sorry for the delay on this week's update. This week was quite hectic so I lost  a few days of work. But I still have some stuff to show all ya so let's get into it. 

I hit a few road bumps with Renapet this week. Nothing too major, just a few issues with some of the animations. I wanted to do the animation for the sex canvas and the anal scene ( specifically the tail), and then work on thee code for Rena Catch. But unfortunately I did 3 revisions for the sex canvas animation before I got something that I kinda liked, and ended up doing something similar to the tail in the anal scene. I guess I'm still learning on how to properly do these bigger anims, but I'll keep working on it so I can make them more efficiently. I'll post the wip's for them below.   

I also did a little pic of Brigitte as a warm up. I'm not to happy with the colors, so I'll probably edit them down the line. But it was a fun little doodle. I might do something more with it when I have less on my plate.

I also having been thinking of doing a small update to Neko Touch and adding a new scene along with a few extra features. So I doodled a quick mock up of an oral scene. I don't know when this will be done, but I guess this will be the start of an update to the game.

For animations, I also worked a bit on Shantae and the Thwompette anims as warm ups and cool downs. I'll make a post about these to show the progress of them so far in a bit after this.

For this week, I'm going focus on getting Rena Catch playable and in the demo and working on the anal scene as well. I'm also going to try and get the Shantae anim done since I don't want to extend my backlog any more. I'll throw up the poll for April's animation once I finish Shante, just so I don't bite off more than I can chew. 

Hope yall have  a great week and make sure to stay safe out there! 




Ohh yeahh😈😍😍


Sounds like you're taking on a lot. Good look. Boosette squad still waiting...


Don't worry, I still fully intend to finish the Booette anim. But you're right, I don't want to put too much on my plate again, so I'm going to focus fire on a few projects and get things done one at a time.