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Hey everyone, just another small update about the Pyra finale. I've finished the credits, ending. and all the transitions for the intro. I still need to do transitions between some of the sex loops and add some dialogue, and I'm guesstimating that that will take a few more hours, but I'm making solid progress to finally having this thing done. I've finished all the harder parts, so I'm hoping the rest will be smoother sailings. I wanted to work on it until it was done so I could get it out of the door, but I really need some sleep haha I'm going to sleep a couple of hours and then continue working on this and hopefully wrap it up soon. I've packed a lot of love into this animation and I'm really eager to show it off. I hope you are all looking forward to it too. 

Sorry I keep moving the goal post on this animation's release date. It's not my intention to have as many delays as there has been, but sometimes I just underestimate how long something will take or overestimate how fast I can get something done. I think this has been a good learning experience for this ugh, and I will try to be better about it for future projects.  


Junior Josse

You gave it your all and I'm proud of you. No need to beat yourself up in feeling guilty, life happens and its something we cant help but accept.


Like I said I hope you get that under control. I'm not bad but still proud of you dedicating this much into it


Meeting deadlines; especially set by you, is an important part of connecting with your patrons. I'm a big fan, but I'm expecting there to be some sort of delay yet again as that's the tone you've set.

Lord Devilry

If this were any other artist I'd think "their doing this to get another month of cash out of us" but for how much you've been updating us and genuenly showing us your putting your life force into this like wow I'm sorry for even thinking that. (I've been a patron to people who hype pieces up but wait till the new month for people to see it, it's kinda scummy but what can yah do.)


Wait people do this? That's shady...


Yeah, as a programmer myself and someone who has made several games in their spare time I completely understand how difficult it can be to meet a deadline, even one you set for yourself. Plainly put, estimating the amount of time this kind of work takes is HARD, even if you are slaving away at it. It does make me kinda disappointed when I check for an update and realize it isn't done though. I'd almost rather nothing get posted at all until it is finished (or he feels like giving one of his teasers). I have no doubts in Count's ability to get it done based on his portfolio though.


Yeah I know they got this. Real life kicking there ass is understandable too


If real life is kicking your ass... do what some patrons do, cancel pledges for the month because you know you won't be able to produce. It was a dream come true to see him come back, but he needs to work on his time management and reliability. Now it's January 31. Wanna know what happens tomorrow? $$$


Well we know that they're not doing it deliberately.