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Hey everyone,

Sorry this update is a tad late. Busy trying to wrap up the Pyra finale still and handling a few irl things as well.  This update will be a bit brief as a lot of things are still in process, but anyways, let's get into the details.

In general, I'll be posting the December review and the plans I have for January soon. I'll try to lay things out a bit more and have specifics for each goal. That way I can properly check how much I did at the end of each month. Work will also probably be picking back up again soon, so I'll try to get things wrapped up before then. 

I also might have to revise how I approach polls and my work output. I think I've been a bit too ambitious with how much I can do and I'm worried about not only my growing backlog, but also potential burnout. That happened a bit during December where I was stressing a bit trying to get the Pyra finale done and I noticed my work output was taking a massive hit from me being a bit too exhausted. Especially since this was a side thing that wasn't part of the Patreon work you had all voted on. I want to try and be a bit more focused going forward, so I will try my best and keep you all in the loop of things.  

The Pyra finale is still trucking along. I think I have just about 5 more scenes to animate, then the finishing touches. It's honestly been quite the challenge and I'm looking forward to finally finishing the damn thing haha once again I'm holding off on showing sneak peeks of it since I think it'll read better as a full animation rather than just looking at the animation loops. But if you want to see them, feel free to send me a message. I've packed a lot of love into it, so I'm hoping it will be worth the wait for you all when it's finally finished. 

I finished the base for the Zero Suit Samus animation loop this week as well. It's been released to $5 and up patrons and will be publicly available next week. I think working on a small loop alongside the gargantuan animation that is the Pyra finale has helped keep me a bit motivated. I still think the background for it is a tad bland, so I'll probably release a version later with a new one. I also want to make a variation or two for it since it's a simple loop. I'll let you all know what I decide on once I know myself. 

Once again I'm sorry for the content drought as of late. The Pyra finale has kind of been acting as a stop gap for my other projects and taking the majority of my time, but I am learning a lot through it, so hopefully that will carry over and allow me to get the other projects done faster. Thank you all for your patience.

That's all for now, see you all next week!


Junior Josse

Well hey, learning experiences takes us to better places. You've been working your butt off hard, so you're fine, I appreciate you for that :)

Tom Ate

Its in dude. Just dont overdo it and push yourself too hard. :)Do it step by step. It would be a shame if you would stop making this art as i saw many projects fail because of such reasons