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Hello everyone,

Sorry for the bit of radio silence as of late. I've been busier than I expected to be, but I'm still working on things. I hope you all had a good new years! I hope the new year will treat you well and you will accomplish the goals you set out to do.

First off, I will be spending this month catching up on old work since I have quite the back log at the moment. So there will not be polls for this month. I also want to apologize for both this, and the lack of content releases during December. The holiday season really took a bit of a toll on me and left me with less time then I anticipated. I will make a monthly report for December, and a layout of the plans for January, either Saturday and Sunday to let you all know how things will go.

The Pyra finale is still being worked on. It's my biggest animation yet, so it'll make sense why it's taking so long once it's finally ready for release. I spent most of the last few days finalizing the cum physics for the climax. I still need to implement the dialogue and do a few more scenes for the ending, but I'm finally nearing the end game for it. I'm going to forgo sound for the moment for it, just to get it out the door quicker. Once I've finished all the parts for it, I'll make it one big animation with sound and music. Thank you all for your patience with it. I'm hoping you will all enjoy it when it is finally done.

The Zero Suit Samus anim loop is going well too. I've been using it as a warm up before I work on the Pyra finale, so I've made some good progress on it. I'm hoping I can finish it before the weekend is up. 

Once I get the Pyra animation out the door, I'll swing by and hopefully finish up Booette's Mansion, then the Isabelle animation. I'll also be working on the art for the Midna game while I continue work on Renapet and Fox Hole. The main goal is to wrap up work on the animations and clear the way for games. I will most likely scale the size of these animations in the meantime since I want to make sure I can keep on top of the work load. I'll post wips as I go to keep you all in the loop. 

Thanks so much again for your support. I'm sorry it's been a bit of a dry spell for the last couple of weeks, but I'll work hard to get some cool stuff out to y'all this month. 


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