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Here's the link to the brand new Space Time Discord: https://discord.gg/EzJpNywmDX 

There are channels for major topics of discussion as well as a few fun areas. And of course a channel for you to make suggestions for how we can grow/improve the chat. 

We see this Discord as a companion to the YouTube comments, where the community can live and interact on an ongoing basis. Let's dive in and see what happens!



Ramsey Barghouti

Meh. I think that the scientists that "demoted" Pluto were right. I don't care if we "grandfather" Pluto into the "planet" club, but I think the word planet is fine. "Is Pluto a planet?" is just as irritatingly silly a question as "Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?" I wish I could say that this discussion was purely academic. But it's actually a political debate presented by anti-intellectuals.


I got an "invite invalid" message and couldn't join :(


Hi Jonathan, did you make it in yet? This invite is still valid! https://discord.gg/XBycB78

Vitezslav Ackermann Ferko

I am also not able to join. Do I need to pair patreon with Discord somehow, or use same email for both? edit: Actually my discord is paired with Patreon application.


I also get the message saying the invite has expired. can we get a new invite link?


I'm getting an invalid invite. Please post a new invite link.


Yep, the link seems expired for me as well.


Link is updated everyone! FYI you also get an email when you join the Patreon with the latest Discord invite link.