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Thanks to the Space Time Content Team (Starquake and above) for weighing in on what you'd like us to do next. The results of the poll were clear ... ish. Two topics came equal first, but by a good margin! I guess we'll just have to make both of them. In fact we've already shot one.

The First Stars describes the enduring mystery of the very first generation of stars that appeared in our universe after the Big Bang, and shaped everything that came after. It'll be released soon.

The other winner was Is Manned Interstellar Interstellar Travel Impossible? (working title). It will explore the potential absolute deal-breakers that may prevent us from settling other star systems. We'll get to this one soon.

There were also lots of great suggestions that we didn't think of. We'll add some to the list. Thanks to everyone who participated! 



What do you think aboute this theory, Matt? <a href="http://www.iflscience.com/space/hibernating-aliens-may-explain-why-we-havent-found-any-other-life-yet/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.iflscience.com/space/hibernating-aliens-may-explain-why-we-havent-found-any-other-life-yet/</a>