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Another Request! Get yours in now! Cheers for the support guys.


William Moffett

Are there like 5 dudes who are paying 50 a month to get the only Patreon requests? I hear the same names every time and there's always a negative viewer correlation to the videos.

Bill Bliss

Great intro Mike! 😂 1961… that’s 6 years after Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat to a white person on a bus. 5 years after she won her case in court. 1961 we see the Civil Rights Movement in the US gaining momentum. JFK is inaugurated as president. Freedom Busses attacked and one blown up. 1963 is MLK “I Have A Dream” speech in DC. The major laws are passed shortly after… Civil Rights Act 1964, Voting Rights Act 1965. Then the poll tax is abolished in 65 or 66 and in 1967, all state bans on interracial marriage are struck down by the Supreme Court. Deacon Jones is playing through all of this. Absolute legend. And unfortunately the head slap was made illegal too, many years later. Genius tactic though. Hope you guys can react to a video on Lawrence Taylor. Deacon Jones named the “sack”… Lawrence Taylor made it into an official statistic.