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Jesse Lee Peterson WAS a sham (i say “was” because…HE is Gay and his gay-hating followers that he created cancelled him) .He took advantage of young men working for him. AndThen went online to Preach Anti-LGBTQ hate. Jess lee hates on everything that is himself)


Jesse lee Peterson is one of the smartest people of our generation lmao

Christina Jones

I wish people would stop pretending to know something after one Facebook or Twitter tweet and speak with intelligence and from a place of knowledge then maybe just maybe one’s point can come across intellectually instead of not and there are PLENTY of examples of this. Woke warriors are trying to do something without actually doing anything and often the term is used incorrectly by them and racists alike who call everything and anything inclusive as such. People get on my nerves for being so lazy even with the construction of change. It’s more about being right than informed


please keep up your engagement becuse i've found that for myself it takes too much of a toll, the task and the horde it too big.