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I know I might regret this, BUT! I will post my Discord link on here. Catch is, it'll expire in 30 minutes once it's posted. If you join you'll be able to get a first catch of my works and if you tell me that you're a pledger I'll put you in that role so it'll be easier to keep track of you.

There are rules:

No Racism, No Religious slander, no Sexuality slander, and no spam. You will be banned if you do so, and if you have a disturbing or offensive icon I will ask you to change it, if you don't you'll be warned of a kick, and if you refuse and I'll ban you. I don't want to seem rude but I want to keep it good.


Plus you'll be able to hear/read about my personal life and make some new friends. And you'll know if I'm busy or not.


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