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So I won't be posting Mined Games to RR until November, I'm waiting on the cover, but I'm kind of waiting on more inspiration with the story. So I'm curious if people would rather read more Mined Games, or have me put the story on hold until November and start posting the Harry Potter fanfiction I've been working on lol. Keep in mind that Mined Games will be back in November either way, and my other story will probably replace Greed God which I suspect will finish by then.

Edit: the HP story will be aged up and Hogwarts will be a university.


Malcolm Tent

I wouldn't say almost over, it's going to be another like...four or five months at least. Could be more, I'll see when I get there.

Basilisk Basilisk

Yeah was kind of exaggerating, still time goes by quick, remember I started reading greed god when it has 100 or so chapters

Rhys Rathbun

I have no idea how you churn these novels out this fast while doing like 3 or 4 at a time

Malcolm Tent

The variety helps. Having a different story to focus on let's me reset my head lol. Makes coming up with new ideas for each one easier.


The HP one will it be a cross or just that particular element of DxD added in?

Malcolm Tent

The latter most likely. Pure HP with the evil pieces mechanic. Also aged up to university age if that helps. Though there will probably be crossover elements and expys because I love those lol.


Gonna be honest, aged up versions of teenagers to make it NSFW gives me the ick

Malcolm Tent

I have other reasons for making it a university thing too, stuff having to do with his background and transformation into a devil. I have the first two chapters written already, I only added it as a post script because I forgot to mention it lol.

Cyrus McEnnis

While I really like Mined Games, HP evil has potential for funm


That's fair. I just wanted to comment as, imo, it might turn off some readers and wanted that to be on your radar. I love your writing generally so if it wasn't for that I wouldn't have an opinion on which story I'd vote for

Malcolm Tent

I find most of my novel readers aren't as big into my fanfiction lol. My style tends to be dramatically different. For one my fanfiction characters tend more towards villains than heroes, and since I write first person exclusively the internal monologue often isn't the nicest lol. But honestly Mined Games is kind of stalling me for the moment, and I wanted some time for it to percolate, plus HP is a new fandom for me and might bring new readers.


I really love Mined Games, but would rather you not burn out on it! The HP fic sounds like a lot of fun too!

Malcolm Tent

Alright the votes have been pretty clear since early on, so I think I'm ending this one. Looks like the HP story starts monday.