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February 13th 2001, Frost Penthouse, 10:00 AM EDT

Peter ended up crashing at my place, after slipping back into his house to  leave a note for his aunt that he'd gotten up early. He took the fast  way, so I barely had enough time to get my dick sucked again before he  got back, but barely was still enough, and Felicia was happy to tempt me  a little further. Sadly, he was back all too soon, and we all passed  out on the couch watching movies after a night bonding as a team, which  was much easier to focus on after the second blowjob.

In  the morning, Felicia and I woke up to find Peter cooking pancakes for  us, which was nice, and as we sat down to dig into the hot breakfast, he  finally brought up the elephant in the room. "So. We're going to be  going after Fisk." Felicia froze, her expression becoming complicated,  but eventually she nodded, forcing herself to keep eating. Peter took a  bite, chewed thoughtfully, and asked. "What do you know about his  operation? Billy came to me to ask about it, but I'm assuming you  already have a firm idea?"

Felicia swallowed heavily.  "Somewhat. I can tell you the basics of course. Fisk started out in the  drug trade, kidnapping mutants to harvest a special hormone from them to  create super soldiers. After he built up some steam he recruited a few  locals to help him bounce Turk Barrett, one of the local crime bosses,  out of town so he could take his place. He flipped one of Barrett's men,  Jefferson Davis, and between him and his own crew of monsters he calls  'The Enforcers' established an iron grip on the city's drug trade."

Peter  made an interested sound. "I knew about The Enforcers. Never heard of  Davis though. He must have been killed or something. These days the  enforcers are just four guys. Ox, Montana, Fancy Dan, and Mr. Big. There  was actually a break in the Kingpin's operations for a few years after  he took down Barrett, from what I can tell he got picked up by the cops  and did some time, not that it seems to have loosened his grip."

"It  hasn't." I agreed. "No clue when he got out, but Hector the dug dealer  was terrified of the guy, and made it sound like he'd always been the  one in charge. Seems crazy he was able to arrange all that so quickly if  he was away for a few years. Any idea how he managed it?" I directed  that question at Felicia, leaving her to answer as I took a bite of my  own. These pancakes were really good.

She looked  unperturbed. "Of course. He was still running things from prison. Fisk's  operation was massive, even being behind bars didn't do much to limit  it's scope. Especially since most career criminals have loved ones in  prison. He essentially had an entire penitentiary full of hostages. It  made keeping control easy." She sneered belligerently. "Fisk is a big  fan of those kinds of intimidation tactics. He likes to pretend he's a  civilized mobster and a gentleman criminal, but he's never been anything  but a vicious, brutal, thug."

Her eyes snapped to me,  wide and shining with some indefinable emotion. She licked her lips  hungrily, and I had to fight not to laugh at the obvious scheming. She  wanted me to beat him for her, that much she'd been up front about. But  it was more than that. She didn't just want him beaten. She wanted him  broken. Destroyed. She wanted me to crush him. I still didn't know what  Fisk had done to her, but it had been personal. She hated him to her  core. No wonder she'd been so willing to do whatever it took to get me  on board.

Peter just nodded. "I've heard the same. Fisk is  a freakishly strong monster about the same size as you, Billy. An inch  shorter and about the same weight, he wears it with a bit less...style,  than you." Translation, he was fat because he didn't have super  condensed muscles, but he was a giant bastard and could still throw his  weight around. I wasn't worried, no one my size would be a match for me  unless they had superpowers. "The question remains though, what exactly  do we do to him? We could just bust up his drug dens and stuff, but  that's just ant bites on an elephant. I assume you have some kind of  plan?"

For the first time since she'd arrived, Felicia  focused fully on Peter, eyes leaving me. "I do." She said grimly.  "Specifically, I have a target. It's why I've been scrambling to put  together some backup and why I've been so busy the last few days. The  Kingpin has a shipment coming in. Something big and important he's  keeping hush hush. I don't know what the hell it IS, but I know that if  he wants something this badly I don't want him to have it. That's why  we're going to bust up his shipment and steal it."

"Cool."  I said happily. "That sounds like a fun time." I paused. "It's not  tonight is it? Because I kind of have plans I can't get out of." If I  canceled on Gwen again I'd probably lose my chance with her, and she was  pretty sexy. Felicia gave me a suspicious look, but finally rolled her  eyes. "No. Two days from now." She pouted at me. "Though I hope your  plans aren't going to extend into tomorrow. I was hoping we could spend  some time together."

On valentines. I'd have been offended  at the obvious attempt to get more influence over me if I wasn't pretty  sure it would involve sex. As it was I was down for that. I'd probably  have blue balls after wining and dining Gwen all night anyway. "Sounds  like fun. We can do dinner tomorrow." I winked at her. "We can eat here,  do you want to cook or should I?" I wasn't a bad cook actually, though  hardly at Peter or Aunt May's level.

Felicia's wide grin  was almost feline. "I can cook for us. I think I can guess exactly what  you'll enjoy most." Her soft purr left little to the imagination about  what she meant.

Peter cleared his throat. "Guys? Can you  maybe not be openly pornographic at the breakfast table? Some of us are  trying to eat." We both snickered at him and he rolled his eyes. Peter  gave off serious little brother vibes, and even Felicia was catching  some of it I think. "Now, you don't have any ideas what this thing could  be?" He asked our platinum blonde teammate. "Because I'd prefer not to  just rely on grabbing whatever item seems the most heavily guarded. What  if he brings in a decoy? We would have no clue we were grabbing the  wrong thing."

Felicia slumped. "I've been trying to find  out. Whatever it is,  he's being insanely secretive. I wouldn't be  shocked to hear he was killing anyone who knows. The closest I got was a  minion who works one of his distribution centers. They overheard  someone in the chain of command mention the word Zodiac. Sadly I can't  follow THAT person because they're dead now. Fell out a window later  that same day."

I whistled at that. "Well damn. Seems like  he really doesn't want anyone finding out what this thing is." I  paused. "That makes me really want to know. Peter, can you like...cross  reference the term Zodiac with incoming shipments to find out what it  is?"

The little punk actually  rolled his eyes at me. "Oh, sure. I'm positive the secret weapon Kingpin  is willing to kill to keep hidden is definitely listed on the shipping  manifest. Maybe I should try searching for the term secret weapon  directly. He might just have used that as short hand." His tone was  dripping with sarcasm. Not in a dickish way, but just in a ribbing each  other sort of way.

I  still flipped him off. "No shit sherlock. But I didn't say to check the  MANIFEST. If he's killing people to keep this thing's name quiet then  it's clearly something someone would recognize. Those shipments may not  list WHAT is coming in, but I bet you can dig up from where. Just cross  reference the term Zodiac with the original shipping location of every  shipment incoming on the 15th. Maybe it's been mentioned in the news or  something, or local history."

Peter  and Felicia were both staring at me like I'd grown a second head. I  just glared back. "What? I'm not an idiot just because I'm big and  tough. I DO have good ideas." I was the leader of this team gods damn  it, I would not be relegated to the role of dumb muscle.

Clearing  his throat, Peter held up both hands. "Hey no disagreement here. It's  just not something I'd considered. Forest for the trees or whatever.  It's a good idea though. Hell, we might want to check local folklore  too. It might be some kind of magic artifact or something. If he's so  convinced that just having this thing is important, it's probably either  that or some kind of advanced superweapon."

That  one I hadn't considered, and I grimaced. I wasn't a fan of magic. Shit  didn't make any sense. Some kind of cosmic force you could tap into?  Superpowers should be pulled out of your ass in complete defiance of god  and nature, not floating around in the air like invisible gasoline for  crazy spells. I admitted some of that was just annoyance though. I had  no natural knack for magic, despite having tried a few times. I just had  to punch my problems until they went away.

Felicia  however, looked excited. "I hadn't even considered that. I have a few  contacts who can tell me about magical stuff. Zodiac is pretty broad, I  think there are literally whole schools of magic dedicated to stars and  shit, but if you Peter can figure out exactly what this thing is I might  be able to narrow that down. I might even be able to USE it. My powers  kind of come from that side of things. Oh right, I have minor bad luck  abilities. Nothing big."

I  hummed thoughtfully. "That's good. I kind of assumed your powers were  just have supernaturally jiggly tits. Seriously, it's like you're  channeling anime physics or something." I paused. "Are you doing that?  Is that some kind of magical titty jiggling spell that makes them  irresistable or something? Titnosis?" I reached out to cover Peter's  eyes. "Look away Pete, her magical mammaries are placing you under her  sway, save yourself. It's too late for me."

"You  aren't as funny as you think you are." Felicia said with an exaggerated  pout. I could see a bit of sparkle in her eyes. "And no. My breasts do  not jiggle because of magic. They do it because they're huge. And also  because I may or may not have learned to flex my pectoral muscles in a  specific way to get a certain effect." She shrugged when we both looked  at her flatly, though I'd suspected that already. "What? Bouncing  titties make boys dumb. It's a very real advantage in the field, and I  need every one I can get."

That  made me laugh. Peter just palmed his face. "I...am beginning to regret  this decision. Anyway, I'll look into this for you guys. See if we can  find out something concrete. Cat, can I get your number in case I need  to get you the info?" She looked at him suspiciously, but seeing a  complete lack of interest from him at her nearly overflowing cleavage  just shrugged (in a suspiciously jiggly way) and held out a hand. When  she got his phone she tapped out her number.

"No  calling me for anything other than work." She shot me a sly look. "I  don't want Billy to get all jealous." She typed the number slowly before  stopping and raising an eyebrow. "Or maybe you wouldn't bother. I guess  I'm not your type. You like a little spice in your pepper Petey?" She  cooed delightedly as Peter's eyes went wide and he dove for the phone.  He didn't use his powers, so she was able to snatch it away before he  snagged it.  "Who's this little fire crotch? She's a cutie. I'd hit it."

Peter's  face was beet red. "Give that back Cat. Those are just some glamour  shots I helped a friend take. She lives next door to me and wants to be a  model, and she knows I take pictures."

Felicia  giggled as she darted around the room, flipping through pictures I  couldn't see too well. "Oh gosh, is our little Petey playing casting  couch with the pretty neighbor girl? 'Gosh Peter, are you sure that  directors will ask me to do this type of thing? I've never put one of  these in my mouth before'." She was practically falling over with  laughter, so he was able to catch her and snatch the phone back pretty  quickly, not that it stopped her mocking giggles.

My  buddy looked mortified. "It's not like that at all! MJ is a friend, she  just asked for my help. I didn't take advantage of her or anything.  That's terrible."

Felicia  shot him a wicked grin. "Really? So you're completely platonic with  this girl. Our boy genius never spanked his super monkey to these  pictures? Hell, I'm not usually into girls and I'm tempted to let my  fingers do the walking. That ass is tight." Her voice became malicious.  "No one would blame you Petey. You're a healthy growing boy. Milking  your meat hose to a beautiful girl who literally spread em' and asked  you to take pictures is nothing to be ashamed of."

I  was trying not to laugh myself, but I cut in anyway. "Alright Cat.  Leave him alone." Our poor tech nerd was so embarrassed by all the  crudeness he looked ready to faint. "And you." I said to him  admonishingly. "She wouldn't fuck with you if you didn't react so  easily. I haven't seen this girl, but if she's cute, ask her out  already. Worst that happens is she says no. You're clearly interested."

Left  unsaid was that he was a superhero with superhuman stamina, and if he  couldn't deep dick miss copper top into a drooling sex kitten he should  just swear off women forever. I wondered if Gwen knew about red head  neighbor girl. Those two were friends for a while before I met them,  even if Peter was pretty intimidated by the cop princess too. I'd have  to ask her about the neighbor.

Peter  looked less appalled and more thoughtful at that, and he was weirdly  quiet until he left. I never got to see the pictures myself, but Felicia  clearly liked them judging by the deep throating I got from her before  she left. Either way, I was pretty happy with the team bonding day. Plus  with my nuts drained so well I didn't have to worry about blowing my  almost valentines day with Gwen. Now, to bust out some of that cash and  go pick out a nice suit. Hoped I could find a nice bag and tall store.  Nobody ever had my sizes.


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